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Command-Line Arguments

The API has a variable for command-line arguments. But this variables are does not hold anything by default. The argc variable is count of command line arguments, and the argv variable is command line arguments.

Relevant variable (in env.hpp):

int argc;
char **argv;

Setup Command-Line Arguments

There is a function to set the command-line arguments variables. This function sets the value of the jule::argc, and jule::argv variables. It takes argc and argv as arguments.

Relevant function (in env.hpp):

void setup_argv(int argc, char **argv);

For example:

#include "api/jule.hpp"

int main(int argc, char **argv, char **envp) {
    jule::setup_argv(argc, argv);
    return 0;

Get Command-Line Arguments

There is a function for get command-line arguments as Jule slice. It uses jule::argc and jule::argv variables internally, therefore you should call jule::setup_argv function before. But the jule::arc and jule::argv variables are not used on Windows systems. The Windows implementation uses the GetCommandLineW and CommandLineToArgvW functions.

For example:

#include "api/jule.hpp"

int main(int argc, char **argv, char **envp) {
    jule::setup_argv(argc, argv);
    return 0;


JuleC generates IR wich is calls the setup function in entry point by default.