Runtime API
If you want to get information about Jule runtime, read the Runtime section. This section only shows which API functions are declared to the backend and how. For documentation you need to look at the documentation of the functions.
jule::Int __jule_argc
Declaration of: argc
jule::U8 **__jule_argv
Declaration of: argv
jule::U8 **__jule_envp
Declaration of: envp
jule::Bool __jule_ptrEqual(void *a, void *b);
Declaration of: ptrEqual
jule::Str __jule_ptrToStr(void *p);
Declaration of: ptrToStr
jule::Str __jule_boolToStr(jule::Bool b);
Declaration of: boolToStr
jule::Str __jule_i64ToStr(jule::I64 x);
Declaration of: i64ToStr
jule::Str __jule_u64ToStr(jule::U64 x);
Declaration of: u64ToStr
jule::Str __jule_f64ToStr(jule::F64 x);
Declaration of: f64ToStr
jule::Uint *__jule_RCNew(void);
Declaration of: _RCNew
jule::Uint __jule_RCLoad(jule::Uint *p);
Declaration of: _RCLoad
jule::Uint __jule_RCLoadAtomic(jule::Uint *p);
Declaration of: _RCLoadAtomic
void __jule_RCAdd(jule::Uint *p);
Declaration of: _RCAdd
void __jule_RCAddAtomic(jule::Uint *p);
Declaration of: _RCAddAtomic
jule::Bool __jule_RCDrop(jule::Uint *p);
Declaration of: _RCDrop
jule::Bool __jule_RCDropAtomic(jule::Uint *p);
Declaration of: _RCDropAtomic
void __jule_RCFree(jule::Uint *p);
Declaration of: _RCFree
jule::Int __jule_compareStr(jule::Str *a, jule::Str *b);
Declaration of: compareStr
jule::Int __jule_writeStdout(jule::Slice<jule::U8> buf);
Declaration of: writeStdout
jule::Int __jule_writeStderr(jule::Slice<jule::U8> buf);
Declaration of: writeStderr
jule::Int __jule_readStdin(jule::Slice<jule::U8> buf);
Declaration of: readStdin
void __jule_panic(jule::U8 *m, jule::Int n);
Declaration of: panic1
void __jule_panicStr(jule::Str m);
Declaration of: panicStr
jule::Str __jule_bytesToStr(jule::Slice<jule::U8> bytes);
Declaration of: bytesToStr
jule::Str __jule_runesToStr(jule::Slice<jule::I32> runes);
Declaration of: runesToStr
jule::Slice<jule::I32> __jule_strToRunes(jule::Str s);
Declaration of: strToRunes
jule::Slice<jule::U8> __jule_strToBytes(jule::Str s);
Declaration of: strToBytes
jule::Str __jule_strFromByte(jule::U8 b);
Declaration of: strFromByte
jule::Str __jule_strFromRune(jule::I32 r);
Declaration of: strFromRune
void __jule_runeStep(jule::U8 *s, jule::Int len, jule::I32 *r, jule::Int *outLen);
Declaration of: runeStep
jule::Bool __jule_coSpawn(void *func, void *args);
Declaration of: coSpawn
jule::Int __jule_runeCount(jule::Str s);
Declaration of: runeCount
void __jule_pseudoMalloc(jule::Int n, jule::Uint size);
Declaration of: pseudoMalloc
jule::Str __jule_strBytePtr(jule::U8 *b, jule::Int n);
Declaration of: strBytePtr
jule::Slice<jule::U8> __jule_sliceBytePtr(jule::U8 *b, jule::Int len, jule::Int cap);
Declaration of: sliceBytePtr
jule::Slice<jule::U8> __jule_strAsSlice(jule::Str s);
Declaration of: strAsSlice
jule::Str __jule_sliceAsStr(jule::Slice<jule::U8> b);
Declaration of: sliceAsStr
void __jule_print(jule::Str s);
Declaration of: zprint
void __jule_println(jule::Str s);
Declaration of: zprintln
jule::F64 __jule_NaN(void)
Declaration of nan
jule::F64 __jule_Inf(jule::Int sign)
Declaration of inf