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If expressions allow you to manipulate the algorithm according to certain conditions. The if and else keywords use for if expressions in Jule.

if Statement

If the provided condition is true the block is executed, otherwise it is not executed. It is also the beginning of a new chain of conditions.

For example:

fn main() {
    let x: any
    if x == nil {
        outln("x is not initialized")

else if Statement

If the preceding if and else if expressions have not been fulfilled, it is a condition presented as an alternative to them.

For example:

fn main() {
    let x = 100
    if x > 1000 {
        outln("greater than thousand")
    } else if x < 100 {
        outln("less than hundred")
    } else if x == 100 {
        outln("equals to hundred")

// OUTPUT: equals to hundred

else Statement

It is the block that will be executed unconditionally if the previous if and else if expressions are not fulfilled.

For example:

fn main() {
    let x = 20
    if x == 20 {
        outln("x is 20")
    } else {
        outln("x is not 20")