Jule does not officially provide packaging for any package manager or platform. Officially, Jule is distributed only through pre-compiled binaries. However, the community is free to voluntarily package. To ensure user security, this section lists maintainers considered trustworthy and the packages they maintain.
If you see a maintainer with the ✔
mark, it means they are officially recognized as trusted. This signifies not only that they maintain widely adopted community packages but also that they are a member of the Jule organization.
Still, keep in mind that these packages are not official packages. Jule maintainers do not accept any responsibility and does not ensure any update promises. For any issue, please contact the package maintainers.
Trusted Package Maintainers
(✔): maintainer of the AUR; jule, juledoc, julefmt and nixpkgs; jule packages.@sebaguardian
: maintainer of the nixpkgs jule package.