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Comptime Iterations


Comptime iterations are compile-time repeated iterations. To iterate in compile-time you should use iterable compile-time expressions.

To make iterable any comptime expression, you should call the Range function which is provided by std::comptime library. In fact this is a design preference for readability and maintainability. This function only useable for iterations, you cannot store it with constant variable.

Iteration variables are useable and they will be constant. You can use relevant variables to access iterated data.

For example:

use comptime for std::comptime

struct MyStruct {
    Foo: int
    Bar: bool
    Baz: str

fn main() {
    const t = comptime::TypeOf(MyStruct)
    for _, field in comptime::Range(t.Fields()) {

The example program above will prints names of MyStruct's fields. In compile-time, fields are iterated and created new sub scope for each iteration. This may will increase your executable size because of code duplication, use it carefully.


You cannot able to use continue or break keywords for compile-time iterations.