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fn TypeOf(TYPE || EXPRESSION): comptimeTypeInfo

Returns compile-time type information. Cannot assign to memory, just available in compile-time. The expression is evaluated to determine type in compile-time and will not executed at runtime.

fn Range(EXPR): comptimeRange

Returns compile-time wrapper for compile-time iterations. Supports only iterable compile-time expressions.


struct comptimeRange

Private compile-time wrapper for compile-time iterations.

struct comptimeTypeInfos {}

Private compile-time information wrapper for type infos. Supports iterable implementations. Using with built-in len function returns count of fields as constant expression.

struct comptimeTypeInfo

Private compile-time type information wrapper.


fn Kind(self): Kind
Returns Kind of type. Returns as constant expression.

fn Str(self): str
Returns string value of type. Returns as constant expression.

fn Bits(self): int
Returns bitsize of type. Supports only primitive integer and floating-point types. Returns as constant expression.

fn Elem(self): comptimeTypeInfo
Returns comptimeTypeInfo for element type. Supports only pointers (except unsafe pointer), smart pointers, arrays, slices and enums.

fn Size(self): int
Returns size of array. Returns as constant expression. Returns zero if array type is auto-sized declaration.

fn Key(self): comptimeTypeInfo
Returns type information for key type. Supports only map types.

fn Value(self): comptimeTypeInfo
Returns type information for value type. Supports only map types.

fn Fields(self): comptimeStructFields | comptimeEnumFields
Returns field informations for type. Supports only structure and enum types. Using with built-in len function returns count of fields as constant expression.

fn Params(self): comptimeParams
Returns parameter information for function's parameters. Supports only function types.

fn Types(self): comptimeTypeInfos
Returns comptime-type information datas for tuple types. Supports only tuple types.

fn Result(self): comptimeTypeInfo
Returns compile-time information data for result type of function. Only supports function types.

fn Public(self): bool
Reports whether type is public as constant expression. Supports only structures, enums, type enums, and traits.

fn Binded(self): bool
Reports whether type is binded as constant expression.

fn Ordered(self): bool
Reports whether kind supports ordered constrait as constant expression.

fn Comparable(self): bool
Reports whether kind supports comparable constrait as constant expression.

fn Mutable(self): bool
Reports whether kind is mutable as constant expression.

fn Exceptional(self): bool
Reports whether function type is exceptional as constant expression. Only supports function types.

struct comptileStructFields

Private compile-time information wrapper for struct fields. Supports iterable implementations. Using with built-in len function returns count of fields as constant expression.

struct comptileStructaField

Private compile-time struct field information wrapper.


fn Name(self): str
Returns name of field. Returns as constant expression.

fn Public(self): bool
Reports whether field is public as constant expression.

fn Type(self): comptimeTypeInfo
Returns type information for field.

struct comptileEnumFields

Private compile-time information wrapper for enum fields. Supports iterable implementations. Using with built-in len function returns count of fields as constant expression.

struct comptileEnumField

Private compile-time enum field information wrapper.


fn Name(self): str
Returns name of field. Returns as constant expression.

struct comptimeParams

Private compile-time information wrapper for function parameters. Supports iterable implementations. Using with built-in len function returns count of fields as constant expression.

struct comptimeParam

Private compile-time function parameter information wrapper.


fn Name(self): str
Returns name of parameter. Returns as constant expression.

fn Variadic(self): bool
Reports whether parameter is variadic as constant expression.

fn Reference(self): bool
Reports whether parameter is reference as constant expression.

fn Type(self): comptimeTypeInfo
Returns type information for parameter.


enum Kind

Type kinds.


  • Void: Void
  • Int: int
  • Uint: uint
  • Uintptr: uintptr
  • I8: i8
  • I16: i16
  • I32: i32
  • I64: i64
  • U8: u8
  • U16: u16
  • U32: u32
  • U64: u64
  • F32: f32
  • F64: f64
  • Str: str
  • Bool: bool
  • Any: any
  • Array: Array
  • Slice: Slice
  • Map: Map
  • Struct: Structure
  • Trait: Trait
  • Enum: Enum
  • Ptr: Raw pointer
  • UnsafePtr: Unsafe raw pointer
  • Ref: Smart pointer
  • Func: Function
  • Tuple: Tuple