fn TypeAlias(ident: str, t: T)
fn Line(): int
fn File(): comptimeFile
fn Files(): comptimeFiles
fn TypeOf(t: Type): comptimeTypeInfo
fn ValueOf(v: V): comptimeValue
struct comptimeFiles
struct comptimeFile
fn Path(self): str
fn Name(self): str
fn Dir(self): str
struct comptimeDecls
struct comptimeDecl
fn Name(self): str
fn Public(self): bool
fn Binded(self): bool
fn Exceptional(self): bool
fn Mutable(self): bool
fn Variadic(self): bool
fn Reference(self): bool
fn Params(self): comptimeDecls
fn Fields(self): comptimeDecls
fn Methods(self): comptimeDecls
struct comptimeTypeInfos
struct comptimeTypeInfo
fn Strict(self): bool
fn Kind(self): Kind
fn Str(self): str
fn Decl(self): comptimeDecl
fn Bits(self): int
fn Elem(self): comptimeTypeInfo
fn Size(self): int
fn Key(self): comptimeTypeInfo
fn Value(self): comptimeTypeInfo
fn Fields(self): comptimeStructFields | comptimeEnumFields
fn Params(self): comptimeParams
fn Types(self): comptimeTypeInfos
fn Result(self): comptimeTypeInfo
fn Binded(self): bool
fn Ordered(self): bool
fn Comparable(self): bool
fn Mutable(self): bool
fn CanNil(self): bool
fn GC(self): bool
struct comptimeStructFields
struct comptimeStructField
fn Decl(self): comptimeDecl
fn Type(self): comptimeTypeInfo
struct comptimeEnumFields
struct comptimeEnumField
fn Decl(self): comptimeDecl
struct comptimeParams
struct comptimeParam
fn Decl(self): comptimeDecl
fn Recv(self): bool
fn Type(self): comptimeTypeInfo
struct comptimeValue
fn Type(self): comptimeTypeInfo
fn Lvalue(self): bool
fn Mutable(self): bool
fn Const(self): bool
fn Field(self, ident: str): comptimeValue
fn FieldByIndex(self, index: int): comptimeValue
fn Method(self, ident: str): comptimeValue
fn Unwrap(self)
enum Kind
fn TypeAlias(ident: str, t: T)
Emplaces a type alias declaration to statement which is this function called. Defines a type alias with ident which is alias for t. The parameter t can take type declarations or comptimeTypeInfo only.
fn Line(): int
Returns line number of statement which is this function called. Returns as constant expression.
fn File(): comptimeFile
Returns file wrapper of source file which is this function called.
fn Files(): comptimeFiles
Returns file wrappers for source files of package which is this function called.
fn TypeOf(t: T): comptimeTypeInfo
Returns compile-time type information. Cannot assign to memory, just available in compile-time. The expression is evaluated to determine type in compile-time and will not executed at runtime.
All type information functionalities uses actual type (may there are exception cases). To examine and match actual types, comptime type information handling is useful.
For example:
type ByteSlice: []byte
const t = comptime::TypeOf(ByteSlice)
const match type t.Kind() {
| comptime::Kind.Slice:
const match type t.Elem().Kind() {
| comptime::Kind.Byte:
// ...
In the example code above, the ByteSlice type is a strict type alias. But we can examine the actual type with comptime type information API.
fn ValueOf(v: V): comptimeValue
Returns compile-time value information. Cannot assign to memory, just available in compile-time. The expression is evaluated to determine and handle value in compile-time and will not executed at runtime.
struct comptimeFiles
Private compile-time information wrapper for source files. Supports iterable and indexing implementations. Using with built-in len function returns count of files as constant expression.
struct comptimeFile
Private compile-time file information wrapper. Provides interface for source file representation of compiler analysis.
fn Path(self): str
Returns path of file as constant expression.
fn Name(self): str
Returns name of file as constant expression.
fn Dir(self): str
Returns directory of file as constant expression.
struct comptimeDecls
Private compile-time information wrapper for comptimeDecl. Supports iterable and indexing implementations. Using with built-in len function returns count of files as constant expression.
struct comptimeDecl
Private compile-time declaration information wrapper. Designed for general declarations, not for instantiated/analyzed types.
List of supported types:
- variables
- functions (with parameters)
- traits (with methods)
- enums (with fields)
- type enums
- structs (with fields and methods)
- type aliases
fn Name(self): str
Returns name of declaration. Returns as constant expression.
fn Public(self): bool
Reports whether type is public as constant expression.
fn Binded(self): bool
Reports whether type is binded as constant expression.
fn Exceptional(self): bool
Reports whether function type is exceptional as constant expression. Only supports function types.
fn Mutable(self): bool
Reports whether declaration is mutable as constant expression. Supports variables, fields, and parameters.
fn Variadic(self): bool
Reports whether declaration is variadic as constant expression. Supports parameters.
fn Reference(self): bool
Reports whether declaration is reference as constant expression. Supports variables, and parameters.
fn Params(self): comptimeDecls
Returns declaration information wrappers for function's parameters. Supports only function types.
fn Fields(self): comptimeDecls
Returns declaration information wrappers for fields. Supports only structure and enum types.
fn Methods(self): comptimeDecls
Returns declaration information wrappers for methods. Supports only structures and traits.
struct comptimeTypeInfos
Private compile-time information wrapper for type infos. Supports iterable and indexing implementations. Using with built-in len function returns count of fields as constant expression.
struct comptimeTypeInfo
Private compile-time type information wrapper. Supports the == and != operators to compare types.
fn Strict(self): bool
Reports whether type is constructed by a strict type alias as constant expression.
fn Kind(self): Kind
Returns Kind of type. Returns as constant expression.
fn Str(self): str
Returns string value of type (not actual type). Returns as constant expression.
fn Decl(self): comptimeDecl
Returns declaration information for type. Supports only structs, traits, enums, type enums, and functions. For structures that constructed by the strict type alias, it returns declaration information for the relevant implicit struct declaration.
fn Bits(self): int
Returns bitsize of type. Supports only primitive integer and floating-point types. Returns as constant expression.
fn Elem(self): comptimeTypeInfo
Returns comptimeTypeInfo for element type. Supports only raw pointers (except unsafe pointer), smart pointers, arrays, slices, channels, and enums.
fn Size(self): int
Returns size of array. Returns as constant expression. Returns zero if array type is auto-sized declaration.
fn Key(self): comptimeTypeInfo
Returns type information for key type. Supports only map types.
fn Value(self): comptimeTypeInfo
Returns type information for value type. Supports only map types.
fn Fields(self): comptimeStructFields | comptimeEnumFields
Returns field information for type. Supports only structure and enum types.
fn Params(self): comptimeParams
Returns parameter information for function's parameters. Supports only function types.
fn Types(self): comptimeTypeInfos
Returns comptime-type information for tuple types. Supports only tuple types.
fn Result(self): comptimeTypeInfo
Returns compile-time information data for result type of function. Only supports function types.
fn Binded(self): bool
Reports whether type is binded as constant expression.
fn Ordered(self): bool
Reports whether kind supports ordered constraint as constant expression.
fn Comparable(self): bool
Reports whether kind supports comparable constraint as constant expression.
fn Mutable(self): bool
Reports whether kind is mutable as constant expression.
fn CanNil(self): bool
Reports whether kind is nil-compatible as constant expression.
fn GC(self): bool
Reports whether kind performs garbage collection as constant expression.
struct comptimeStructFields
Private compile-time information wrapper for struct fields. Supports iterable and indexing implementations. Using with built-in len function returns count of fields as constant expression.
struct comptimeStructField
Private compile-time struct field information wrapper.
fn Decl(self): comptimeDecl
Returns declaration information for field.
fn Type(self): comptimeTypeInfo
Returns type information for field.
struct comptimeEnumFields
Private compile-time information wrapper for enum fields. Supports iterable and indexing implementations. Using with built-in len function returns count of fields as constant expression.
struct comptimeEnumField
fn Decl(self): comptimeDecl
Returns declaration information for field.
struct comptimeParams
Private compile-time information wrapper for function parameters. Supports iterable and indexing implementations. Using with built-in len function returns count of fields as constant expression.
struct comptimeParam
Private compile-time function parameter information wrapper.
fn Decl(self): comptimeDecl
Returns declaration information for parameter.
fn Recv(self): bool
Reports whether parameter is receiver as constant expression.
fn Type(self): comptimeTypeInfo
Returns type information for parameter.
struct comptimeValue
Private compile-time value information wrapper. Only supports classic expressions.
fn Type(self): comptimeTypeInfo
Returns type information for value.
fn Lvalue(self): bool
Reports whether value is lvalue as constant expression.
fn Mutable(self): bool
Reports whether value is mutable as constant expression.
fn Const(self): bool
Reports whether value is constant as constant expression.
fn Field(self, ident: str): comptimeValue
Returns comptimeValue for field access expression. Supports only structure types. Parameter ident should be constant. It allows access to private fields.
fn FieldByIndex(self, index: int): comptimeValue
Same as the Field method, but takes constant index instead of identifier.
fn Method(self, ident: str): comptimeValue
Returns comptimeValue for method access expression. Supports only structure types. Parameter ident should be constant. It allows access to private methods. It will not use the actual kind, so this method an provide access to methods of the any strict type alias.
fn Unwrap(self)
Unwraps expression for runtime execution.
enum Kind {
Void, // Void
Int, // int
Uint, // uint
Uintptr, // uinptr
I8, // i8
I16, // i16
I32, // i32
I64, // i64
U8, // u8
U16, // u16
U32, // u32
U64, // u64
F32, // f32
F64, // f64
Str, // str
Bool, // bool
Any, // any
Array, // Array
Slice, // Slice
Map, // Map
Struct, // Structure
Trait, // Trait
Enum, // Enum
TypeEnum, // Type Enum
Ptr, // Raw pointer
UnsafePtr, // Unsafe raw pointer
SmartPtr, // Smart pointer
Func, // Function
Tuple, // Tuple
Chan, // Channel
Type kinds.