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struct Const {
    Kind: str

Constant data.
Use Const.NewNil function istead of Const{} for nil literal.


static fn NewI64(x: i64): &Const
Returns new constant value instance from 64-bit signed integer.

static fn NewU64(x: u64): &Const
Returns new constant value instance from 64-bit unsigned integer.

static fn NewBool(x: bool): &Const
Returns new constant value instance from boolean.

static fn NewStr(x: str): &Const
Returns new constant value instance from string.

static fn NewF64(x: f64): &Const
Returns new constant value instance from 64-bit floating-point.

static fn NewNil(): &Const
Returns new constant value instance with nil.

fn ReadI64(self): i64
Reads 64-bit signed integer data.
Returns 0 if data is not 64-bit signed integer.

fn ReadU64(self): u64
Reads 64-bit unsigned integer data.
Returns 0 if data is not 64-bit unsigned integer.

fn ReadBool(self): bool
Reads boolean data.
Returns false if data is not boolean.

fn ReadStr(self): str
Reads string data.
Returns empty string if data is not string.

fn ReadF64(self): f64
Reads 64-bit floating-point data.
Returns 0 if data is not 64-bit floating-point.

fn AsI64(self): i64
Reads data as 64-bit signed integer.
Returns 0 if data is string, bool or which is not numeric.

fn AsU64(self): u64
Reads data as 64-bit unsigned integer.
Returns 0 if data is string, bool or which is not numeric.

fn AsF64(self): f64
Reads data as 64-bit floating-point.
Returns 0 if data is string, bool or which is not numeric.

fn SetI64(mut self, x: i64)
Sets constant value from 64-bit signed integer.

fn SetU64(mut self, x: u64)
Sets constant value from 64-bit unsigned integer.

fn SetBool(mut self, x: bool)
Sets constant value from boolean.

fn SetStr(mut self, x: str)
Sets constant value from string.

fn SetF64(mut self, x: f64)
Sets constant value from 64-bit floating-point.

fn SetNil(mut self)
Sets constant value to nil.

fn IsI64(self): bool
Reports whether data is 64-bit signed integer.

fn IsU64(self): bool
Reports whether data is 64-bit unsigned integer.

fn IsBool(self): bool
Reports whether data is boolean.

fn IsStr(self): bool
Reports whether data is string.

fn IsF64(self): bool
Reports whether data is 64-bit floating-point.

fn IsNil(self): bool
Reports whether data is nil.

fn AreSameTypes(self, x: Const): bool
Reports whether self and x has same type.

fn And(self, x: Const): bool
Reports whether self and x are true.
Returns false if type is not supported.

fn Or(self, x: Const): bool
Reports whether self or x is true.
Returns false if type is not supported.

fn Eq(self, x: Const): bool
Reports whether self and x are equals.
Returns false if type is not supported.

fn Lt(self, x: Const): bool
Reports whether self less than x.
Returns false if type is unsupported by operation.

Supported types are:

  • strings
  • 64-bit signed integer
  • 64-bit unsigned integer
  • 64-bit floating-point

fn LtEq(self, x: Const): bool
Reports whether self less than or equals to x.
Returns false if type is unsupported by operation.

Supported types are:

  • strings
  • 64-bit signed integer
  • 64-bit unsigned integer
  • 64-bit floating-point

fn Gt(self, x: Const): bool
Reports whether self greater than x.
Returns false if type is unsupported by operation.

Supported types are:

  • strings
  • 64-bit signed integer
  • 64-bit unsigned integer
  • 64-bit floating-point

fn GtEq(self, x: Const): bool
Reports whether self greater than or equals to x.
Returns false if type is unsupported by operation.

Supported types are:

  • strings
  • 64-bit signed integer
  • 64-bit unsigned integer
  • 64-bit floating-point

fn Add(mut self, x: Const): bool
Adds x's value to itself value.
Reports whether operation is success.

fn Sub(mut self, x: Const): bool
Subs x's value from itself value.
Reports whether operation is success.

fn Mul(mut self, x: Const): bool
Multiplies x's value to c's value.
Reports whether operation is success.

fn Div(mut self, x: Const): bool
Divides itself value to x's value.
Reports whether operation is success.
Reports false if divided-by-zero.


This operation makes constant value is floating-point.

fn Mod(mut self, x: Const): bool
Mods itself value to x's value.
Reports whether operation is success.
Reports false if divided-by-zero.

fn BitwiseAnd(mut self, x: Const): bool
Bitwise and itself value to x's value.
Reports whether operation is success.

fn BitwiseOr(mut self, x: Const): bool
Bitwise or itself value to x's value.
Reports whether operation is success.

fn Xor(mut self, x: Const): bool
Bitwise xor itself value to x's value.
Reports whether operation is success.

fn Lshift(mut self, x: Const): bool
Left shifts itself value to x's value.
Reports whether operation is success.\

fn Rshift(mut self, x: Const): bool
Right shifts itself value to x's value.
Reports whether operation is success.