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struct WaitGroup

Do not copy an instance of WaitGroup, use a ref or pointer instead.

usage: in main thread: wg: std::sync::WaitGroup
"wg.add(delta)" before starting tasks with "co ..."
"wg.Wait()" to wait for all tasks to have finished

in each parallel job:
"wg.Done()" when finished


static fn New(): &WaitGroup
Returns new WaitGroup instance.

fn Add(mut self, delta: int)
Increments (+delta) or decrements (-delta) task count by delta and unblocks any Wait() calls if task count becomes zero. Panics if task count reaches below zero.

fn Done(mut self)
Decrements the WaitGroup counter by one.

fn Wait(mut self)
Blocks until all tasks are done (task count becomes zero)

struct Mutex

Muxtex is a primitive used to protect memory in multi-threading situations such as concurrent access.

If you try to lock an already locked mutex again in the same thread or exhibit similar behavior, a system signal is likely to occur.

Mutextes are uses internal mutability and internal allocations. Locking, unlocking and etc is not mutable operations. Mutex suitable for using without smart pointers thanks to internal allocations. The internal allocation automatically deallocated by smart pointer.


static fn New(): Mutex
Returns new initialized ready-for-use Mutex.

fn Lock(self)
Locks the mutex. If the mutex is locked by another thread, it stops the execution of the algorithm to seize it and waits to lock the mutex.

fn Unlock(self)
Unlock the mutex you locked and make it open to locking by the thread.

fn TryLock(self): bool
Try locking the mutex. But unlike the lock method, it just tries to lock instead of waiting to lock. Returns true if the locking was successful, false otherwise.

struct once

Once is an object that will perform exactly one action. A Once must not be copied after first use.


static fn New(): Once
Returns new instance for Once.

fn Do(self, f: fn())
Calls the function f if and only if do is being called for the first time for this instance of Once. In other words, given let once = Once{}

if once.Do(f) is called multiple times, only the first call will invoke f, even if f has a different value in each invocation. A new instance of Once is required for each function to execute.

do is intended for initialization that must be run exactly once. Since f is niladic, it may be necessary to use a function literal to capture the arguments to a function to be invoked by do:

config.once.Do(Func() { config.Init(filename) })

Because no call to do returns until the one call to f returns, if f causes do to be called, it will deadlock.

If f panics, do considers it to have returned; future calls of do return without calling f.