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fn Exit(code: int)

Causes the current program to exit with the given status code.
Conventionally, code zero indicates success, non-zero an error.


struct Cmd {
    Args: []str
    Env:  []str

Cmd runs a command in the operating system. There is no pipe for the output of the command, so any output will appear on the standard output.

The Args stores command-line arguments. The first argument is not should to be the path of the executable. Just pass necessary arguments.

The Env stores environment variables. If Env is nil or len(Env) == 0, child process will use copy of the parent process's environment variables. Environment variables should be in the "KEY=value" format.


static fn New(path: str): &Cmd
Returns Cmd instance for path.

fn Spawn(self)!
Spawns new child-process and executes command. Panics if command is already spawned. Use the [Wait] or [Kill] method to make respawnable.

fn Kill(self)!
Kills process. Fails if process is not alive. Panics if command is not spawned.

fn Wait(self)!: int
Waits complete for running of process. Returns exit code of process. Panics if command is not spawned.


enum ProcessError

Process error codes.


  • Denied: Permission is not enough.
  • NotExist: One or more components of the new process path name of the file do not exist or is a null pathname.
  • Env: Environment variables are represented in wrong format or an error occurred when assigning.
  • Spawn: An error occurred spawning.
  • Other: Other system error.