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const E: f64

const Pi: f64

const Phi: f64

const Sqrt2: f64

const SqrtE: f64

const SqrtPi: f64

const SqrtPhi: f64

const Ln2: f64

const Log2E: f64

const Ln10: f64

const Log10E: f64


fn Abs(x: f64): f64

Returns the absolute value of x.

Special cases are:

  • Abs(±Inf) = +Inf
  • Abs(NaN) = NaN

fn Acosh(mut x: f64): f64

Returns the inverse hyperbolic cosine of x.

Special cases are:

  • Acosh(+Inf) = +Inf
  • Acosh(x) = NaN if x < 1
  • Acosh(NaN) = NaN

fn Asin(mut x: f64): f64

Returns the arcsine, in radians, of x.

Special cases are:

  • Asin(±0) = ±0
  • Asin(x) = NaN if x < -1 or x > 1

fn Acos(x: f64): f64

Returns the arccosine, in radians, of x.

Special cases are:

  • Acos(x) = NaN if x < -1 or x > 1

fn Asinh(mut x: f64): f64

Returns the inverse hyperbolic sine of x.

Special cases are:

  • Asinh(±0) = ±0
  • Asinh(±Inf) = ±Inf
  • Asinh(NaN) = NaN

fn Atan(x: f64): f64

Returns the arctangent, in radians, of x.

Special cases are:

  • Atan(±0) = ±0
  • Atan(±Inf) = ±Pi/2

fn Atan2(y: f64, x: f64): f64

Returns the arc tangent of y/x, using the signs of the two to determine the quadrant of the return value.

Special cases are:

  • Atan2(y, NaN) = NaN
  • Atan2(NaN, x) = NaN
  • Atan2(+0, x>=0) = +0
  • Atan2(-0, x>=0) = -0
  • Atan2(+0, x<=-0) = +Pi
  • Atan2(-0, x<=-0) = -Pi
  • Atan2(y>0, 0) = +Pi/2
  • Atan2(y<0, 0) = -Pi/2
  • Atan2(+Inf, +Inf) = +Pi/4
  • Atan2(-Inf, +Inf) = -Pi/4
  • Atan2(+Inf, -Inf) = 3Pi/4
  • Atan2(-Inf, -Inf) = -3Pi/4
  • Atan2(y, +Inf) = 0
  • Atan2(y>0, -Inf) = +Pi
  • Atan2(y<0, -Inf) = -Pi
  • Atan2(+Inf, x) = +Pi/2
  • Atan2(-Inf, x) = -Pi/2

fn Atanh(mut x: f64): f64

Returns the inverse hyperbolic tangent of x.

Special cases are:

  • Atanh(1) = +Inf
  • Atanh(±0) = ±0
  • Atanh(-1) = -Inf
  • Atanh(x) = NaN if x < -1 or x > 1
  • Atanh(NaN) = NaN

fn NaN(): f64

Returns an IEEE 754 “not-a-number” value.

fn IsNaN(f: f64): bool

Reports whether f is an IEEE 754 “not-a-number” value.

fn IsNaN(f: f64): bool

Returns positive infinity if sign >= 0, negative infinity if !sign < 0.

fn IsInf(f: f64, sign: int): bool

Reports whether f is an infinity, according to sign.
If sign > 0, IsInf reports whether f is positive infinity.
If sign < 0, IsInf reports whether f is negative infinity.
If sign == 0, IsInf reports whether f is either infinity.

fn Cbrt(mut x: f64): f64

Returns the cube root of x.

Special cases are:

  • Cbrt(±0) = ±0
  • Cbrt(±Inf) = ±Inf
  • Cbrt(NaN) = NaN

fn Copysign(f: f64, sign: f64): f64

Returns a value with the magnitude of f and the sign of sign.

fn Dim(x: f64, y: f64): f64

Returns the maximum of x-y or 0.

Special cases are:

  • Dim(+Inf, +Inf) = NaN
  • Dim(-Inf, -Inf) = NaN
  • Dim(x, NaN) = Dim(NaN, x) = NaN

fn Max(x: f64, y: f64): f64

Returns the larger of x or y.

Special cases are:

  • Max(x, +Inf) = Max(+Inf, x) = +Inf
  • Max(x, NaN) = Max(NaN, x) = NaN
  • Max(+0, ±0) = Max(±0, +0) = +0
  • Max(-0, -0) = -0

fn Min(x: f64, y: f64): f64

Returns the smaller of x or y.

Special cases are:

  • Min(x, -Inf) = Min(-Inf, x) = -Inf
  • Min(x, NaN) = Min(NaN, x) = NaN
  • Min(-0, ±0) = Min(±0, -0) = -0

fn Erf(mut x: f64): f64

Returns the error function of x.

Special cases are:

  • Erf(+Inf) = 1
  • Erf(-Inf) = -1
  • Erf(NaN) = NaN

fn Erfinv(mut x: f64): f64

Returns the inverse error function of x.

Special cases are:

  • Erfinv(1) = +Inf
  • Erfinv(-1) = -Inf
  • Erfinv(x) = NaN if x < -1 or x > 1
  • Erfinv(NaN) = NaN

fn Erfcinv(x: f64): f64

Returns the inverse of Erfc(x).

Special cases are:

  • Erfcinv(0) = +Inf
  • Erfcinv(2) = -Inf
  • Erfcinv(x) = NaN if x < 0 or x > 2
  • Erfcinv(NaN) = NaN

fn Erfc(mut x: f64): f64

Returns the complementary error function of x.

Special cases are:

  • Erfc(+Inf) = 0
  • Erfc(-Inf) = 2
  • Erfc(NaN) = NaN

fn Exp(x: f64): f64

Returns e**x, the base-e exponential of x.

Special cases are:

  • Exp(+Inf) = +Inf
  • Exp(NaN) = NaN


  • Very large values overflow to 0 or Inf.
  • Very small values underflow to 1.

fn Exp2(x: f64): f64

Returns 2**x, the base-2 exponential of x. Special cases are the same as Exp.

fn Expm1(mut x: f64): f64

Returns e**x - 1, the base-e exponential of x minus 1. It is more accurate than Exp(x) - 1 when x is near zero.

Special cases are:

  • Expm1(+Inf) = +Inf
  • Expm1(-Inf) = -1
  • Expm1(NaN) = NaN


Very large values overflow to -1 or Inf.

fn Floor(x: f64): f64

Returns the greatest integer value less than or equal to x.

Special cases are:

  • Floor(±0) = ±0
  • Floor(±Inf) = ±Inf
  • Floor(NaN) = NaN

fn Fma(x: f64, y: f64, z: f64): f64

Returns x * y + z, computed with only one rounding. (That is, Fma returns the fused multiply-add of x, y, and z.)

fn Frexp(mut f: f64): (Frac: f64, Exp: int)

Breaks f into a normalized fraction and an integral power of two. It returns Frac and Exp satisfying f == Frac × 2**Exp, with the absolute value of Frac in the interval [½, 1).

Special cases are:

  • Frexp(±0) = ±0, 0
  • Frexp(±Inf) = ±Inf, 0
  • Frexp(NaN) = NaN, 0

fn Gamma(x: f64): f64

Returns the Gamma function of x.

Special cases are:

  • Gamma(+Inf) = +Inf
  • Gamma(+0) = +Inf
  • Gamma(-0) = -Inf
  • Gamma(x) = NaN for integer x < 0
  • Gamma(-Inf) = NaN
  • Gamma(NaN) = NaN

fn Ceil(x: f64): f64

Returns the least integer value greater than or equal to x.

Special cases are:

  • Ceil(±0) = ±0
  • Ceil(±Inf) = ±Inf
  • Ceil(NaN) = NaN

fn Trunc(x: f64): f64

Returns the integer value of x.

Special cases are:

  • Trunc(±0) = ±0
  • Trunc(±Inf) = ±Inf
  • Trunc(NaN) = NaN

fn Round(x: f64): f64

Returns the nearest integer, rounding half away from zero.

Special cases are:

  • Round(±0) = ±0
  • Round(±Inf) = ±Inf
  • Round(NaN) = NaN

fn RoundEven(x: f64): f64

Returns the nearest integer, rounding ties to even.

Special cases are:

  • RoundEven(±0) = ±0
  • RoundEven(±Inf) = ±Inf
  • RoundEven(NaN) = NaN

fn Hypot(mut p: f64, mut q: f64): f64

Returns Sqrt(pp + qq), taking care to avoid unnecessary overflow and underflow.

Special cases are:

  • Hypot(±Inf, q) = +Inf
  • Hypot(p, ±Inf) = +Inf
  • Hypot(NaN, q) = NaN
  • Hypot(p, NaN) = NaN

fn J0(mut x: f64): f64

Returns the order-zero Bessel function of the first kind.

Special cases are:

  • J0(±Inf) = 0
  • J0(0) = 1
  • J0(NaN) = NaN

fn Y0(x: f64): f64

Returns the order-zero Bessel function of the second kind.

Special cases are:

  • Y0(+Inf) = 0
  • Y0(0) = -Inf
  • Y0(x < 0) = NaN
  • Y0(NaN) = NaN

fn J1(mut x: f64): f64

Returns the order-one Bessel function of the first kind.

Special cases are:

  • J1(±Inf) = 0
  • J1(NaN) = NaN

fn Y1(x: f64): f64

Returns the order-one Bessel function of the second kind.

Special cases are:

  • Y1(+Inf) = 0
  • Y1(0) = -Inf
  • Y1(x < 0) = NaN
  • Y1(NaN) = NaN

fn Jn(mut n: int, mut x: f64): f64

Returns the order-n Bessel function of the first kind.

Special cases are:

  • Jn(n, ±Inf) = 0
  • Jn(n, NaN) = NaN

fn Yn(mut n: int, x: f64): f64

Returns the order-n Bessel function of the second kind.

Special cases are:

  • Yn(n, +Inf) = 0
  • Yn(n ≥ 0, 0) = -Inf
  • Yn(n < 0, 0) = +Inf if n is odd, -Inf if n is even
  • Yn(n, x < 0) = NaN
  • Yn(n, NaN) = NaN

fn Ldexp(mut Frac: f64, mut Exp: int): f64

Is the inverse of Frexp. It returns Frac × 2**Exp.

Special cases are:

  • Ldexp(±0, Exp) = ±0
  • Ldexp(±Inf, Exp) = ±Inf
  • Ldexp(NaN, Exp) = NaN

fn Lgamma(mut x: f64): (Lgamma: f64, sign: int)

Returns the natural logarithm and sign (-1 or +1) of Gamma(x).

Special cases are:

  • Lgamma(+Inf) = +Inf
  • Lgamma(0) = Inf
  • Lgamma(-integer) = +Inf
  • Lgamma(-Inf) = -Inf
  • Lgamma(NaN) = NaN

fn Log(x: f64): f64

Returns the natural logarithm of x.

Special cases are:

  • Log(+Inf) = +Inf
  • Log(0) = -Inf
  • Log(x < 0) = NaN
  • Log(NaN) = NaN

fn Log1p(x: f64): f64

Returns the natural logarithm of 1 plus its argument x. It is more accurate than Log(1 + x) when x is near zero.

Special cases are:

  • Log1p(+Inf) = +Inf
  • Log1p(±0) = ±0
  • Log1p(-1) = -Inf
  • Log1p(x < -1) = NaN
  • Log1p(NaN) = NaN

fn Log10(x: f64): f64

Returns the decimal logarithm of x. The special cases are the same as for log.

fn Log2(x: f64): f64

Returns the binary logarithm of x. The special cases are the same as for log.

fn Logb(x: f64): f64

Returns the binary exponent of x.

Special cases are:

  • Logb(±Inf) = +Inf
  • Logb(0) = -Inf
  • Logb(NaN) = NaN

fn Ilogb(x: f64): int

Returns the binary exponent of x as an integer.

Special cases are:

  • Ilogb(±Inf) = i32.Max
  • Ilogb(0) = i32.Min
  • Ilogb(NaN) = i32.Max

fn Mod(x: f64, mut y: f64): f64

Returns the floating-point Remainder of x/y. The magnitude of the result is less than y and its sign agrees with that of x.

Special cases are:

  • Mod(±Inf, y) = NaN
  • Mod(NaN, y) = NaN
  • Mod(x, 0) = NaN
  • Mod(x, ±Inf) = x
  • Mod(x, NaN) = NaN

fn Modf(f: f64): (integer: f64, Frac: f64)

Returns integer and fractional floating-point numbers that sum to f. Both values have the same sign as f.

Special cases are:

  • Modf(±Inf) = ±Inf, NaN
  • Modf(NaN) = NaN, NaN

fn Nextafter32(x: f32, y: f32): (r: f32)

Returns the next representable f32 value after x towards y.

Special cases are:

  • NextAfter32(x, x) = x
  • NextAfter32(NaN, y) = NaN
  • NextAfter32(x, NaN) = NaN

fn Nextafter(x: f64, y: f64): (r: f64)

Returns the next representable f64 value after x towards y.

Special cases are:

  • NextAfter(x, x) = x
  • NextAfter(NaN, y) = NaN
  • NextAfter(x, NaN) = NaN

fn Pow(x: f64, y: f64): f64

Returns x**y, the base-x exponential of y.

Special cases are:

  • Pow(x, ±0) = 1 for any x
  • Pow(1, y) = 1 for any y
  • Pow(x, 1) = x for any x
  • Pow(NaN, y) = NaN
  • Pow(x, NaN) = NaN
  • Pow(±0, y) = ±Inf for y an odd integer < 0
  • Pow(±0, -Inf) = Inf
  • Pow(±0, +Inf) = +0
  • Pow(±0, y) = +Inf for finite y < 0 and not an odd integer
  • Pow(±0, y) = ±0 for y an odd integer > 0
  • Pow(±0, y) = +0 for finite y > 0 and not an odd integer
  • Pow(-1, ±Inf) = 1
  • Pow(x, +Inf) = +Inf for |x| > 1
  • Pow(x, -Inf) = +0 for |x| > 1
  • Pow(x, Inf) = +0 for |x| < 1
  • Pow(x, -Inf) = +Inf for |x| < 1
  • Pow(+Inf, y) = +Inf for y > 0
  • Pow(+Inf, y) = +0 for y < 0
  • Pow(-Inf, y) = Pow(-0, -y)
  • Pow(x, y) = NaN for finite x < 0 and finite non-integer y

fn Pow10(n: int): f64

Returns 10**n, the base-10 exponential of n.

Special cases are:

  • Pow10(n) = 0 for n < -323
  • Pow10(n) = +Inf for n > 308

fn Remainder(mut x: f64, mut y: f64): f64

Returns the IEEE 754 floating-point Remainder of x/y.

Special cases are:

  • Remainder(±Inf, y) = NaN
  • Remainder(NaN, y) = NaN
  • Remainder(x, 0) = NaN
  • Remainder(x, ±Inf) = x
  • Remainder(x, NaN) = NaN

fn Signbit(x: f64): bool

Reports whether x is negative or negative zero.

fn Cos(mut x: f64): f64

Returns the cosine of the radian argument x.

Special cases are:

  • Cos(±Inf) = NaN
  • Cos(NaN) = NaN

fn Sin(mut x: f64): f64

Returns the sine of the radian argument x.

Special cases are:

  • Sin(±0) = ±0
  • Sin(±Inf) = NaN
  • Sin(NaN) = NaN

fn Sincos(mut x: f64): (Sin: f64, Cos: f64)

Returns Sin(x), Cos(x).

Special cases are:

  • Sincos(±0) = ±0, 1
  • Sincos(±Inf) = NaN, NaN
  • Sincos(NaN) = NaN, NaN

fn Sinh(mut x: f64): f64

Returns the hyperbolic sine of x.

Special cases are:

  • Sinh(±0) = ±0
  • Sinh(±Inf) = ±Inf
  • Sinh(NaN) = NaN

fn Cosh(x: f64): f64

Returns the hyperbolic cosine of x.

Special cases are:

  • Cosh(±0) = 1
  • Cosh(±Inf) = +Inf
  • Cosh(NaN) = NaN

fn Sqrt(x: f64): f64

Returns the square root of x.

Special cases are:

  • Sqrt(+Inf) = +Inf
  • Sqrt(±0) = ±0
  • Sqrt(x < 0) = NaN
  • Sqrt(NaN) = NaN

fn Tan(mut x: f64): f64

Returns the tangent of the radian argument x.

Special cases are:

  • Tan(±0) = ±0
  • Tan(±Inf) = NaN
  • Tan(NaN) = NaN

fn Tanh(x: f64): f64

Returns the hyperbolic tangent of x.

Special cases are:

  • Tanh(±0) = ±0
  • Tanh(±Inf) = ±1
  • Tanh(NaN) = NaN

fn F32Bits(f: f32): u32

Returns the IEEE 754 binary representation of f, with the sign bit of f and the result in the same bit position. F32Bits(F32FromBits(x)) == x.

fn F32FromBits(b: u32): f32

Returns the floating-point number corresponding to the IEEE 754 binary representation b, with the sign bit of b and the result in the same bit position. F32FromBits(F32Bits(x)) == x.

fn F64Bits(f: f64): u64

Returns the IEEE 754 binary representation of f, with the sign bit of f and the result in the same bit position. F64Bits(F64FromBits(x)) == x.

fn f64FromBits(b: u64): f64

Returns the floating-point number corresponding to the IEEE 754 binary representation b, with the sign bit of b and the result in the same bit position. F64FromBits(F64Bits(x)) == x.