fn Count(s: str, substr: str): int
fn Contains(s: str, substr: str): bool
fn ContainsAny(s: str, chars: str): bool
fn ContainsRune(s: str, r: rune): bool
fn ContainsFunc(s: str, f: fn(rune): bool): bool
fn IndexByte(s: str, c: byte): int
fn LastIndex(s: str, substr: str): int
fn LastIndexByte(s: str, c: byte): int
fn IndexRune(s: str, r: rune): int
fn IndexAny(s: str, chars: str): int
fn LastIndexAny(s: str, chars: str): int
fn SplitN(mut s: str, sep: str, n: int): []str
fn SplitAfterN(mut s: str, sep: str, n: int): []str
fn Split(mut s: str, sep: str): []str
fn SplitAfter(mut s: str, sep: str): []str
fn Join(elems: []str, sep: str): str
fn HasPrefix(s: str, prefix: str): bool
fn HasSuffix(s: str, suffix: str): bool
fn Map(mapping: fn(rune): rune, mut s: str): str
fn Repeat(s: str, count: int): str
fn IndexFunc(s: str, f: fn(rune): bool): int
fn LastIndexFunc(s: str, f: fn(rune): bool): int
fn TrimLeftFunc(s: str, f: fn(rune): bool): str
fn TrimRight(s: str, cutset: str): str
fn TrimRightFunc(s: str, f: fn(rune): bool): str
fn TrimFunc(s: str, f: fn(rune): bool): str
fn TrimPrefix(s: str, prefix: str): str
fn TrimSuffix(s: str, suffix: str): str
fn Trim(s: str, cutset: str): str
fn TrimLeft(s: str, cutset: str): str
fn TrimSpace(s: str): str
fn Replace(s: str, old: str, new: str, mut n: int): str
fn ReplaceAll(s: str, old: str, new: str): str
fn EqualFold(mut s: str, mut t: str): bool
fn Index(s: str, substr: str): int
fn Cut(s: str, sep: str): (before: str, after: str, found: bool)
fn CutPrefix(s: str, prefix: str): (after: str, found: bool)
fn CutSuffix(s: str, suffix: str): (before: str, found: bool)
fn ToUpper(s: str): str
fn ToLower(s: str): str
fn Compare(a: str, b: str): int
struct Replacer
static fn New(oldnew: ...str): &Replacer
fn Replace(self, s: str): str
fn WriteStr(self, s: str, mut w: io::StrWriter)!: (n: int)
struct Builder
fn Write(mut self, b: []byte)!: (n: int)
fn WriteStr(mut self, s: str)!: (n: int)
fn WriteByte(mut self, b: byte)!
fn WriteRune(mut self, r: rune)!: (n: int)
fn Grow(mut self, n: int)
fn Str(self): str
fn Clear(mut self)
fn Len(self): int
fn Cap(self): int
unsafe fn Buf(mut self): []byte
unsafe fn SetBuf(mut self, mut buf: []byte)
fn Count(s: str, substr: str): int
Counts the number of non-overlapping instances of substr in s. If substr is an empty string, returns 1 + the number of Unicode code points in s.
fn Contains(s: str, substr: str): bool
Reports whether substr is within s.
fn ContainsAny(s: str, chars: str): bool
Reports whether any of the UTF-8-encoded code points in chars are within s.
fn ContainsRune(s: str, r: rune): bool
Reports whether the rune is contained in the UTF-8-encoded byte slice s.
fn ContainsFunc(s: str, f: fn(rune): bool): bool
Reports whether any of the UTF-8-encoded code points r within b satisfy f(r).
fn IndexByte(s: str, c: byte): int
Returns the index of the first instance of c in b, or -1 if c is not present in s.
fn LastIndex(s: str, substr: str): int
Returns the index of the last instance of substr in s, or -1 if substr is not present in s.
fn LastIndexByte(s: str, c: byte): int
Returns the index of the last instance of c in s, or -1 if c is not present in s.
fn IndexRune(s: str, r: rune): int
Returns the index of the first instance of the Unicode code point r, or -1 if rune is not present in s. If r is [utf8::RuneError], it returns the first instance of any invalid UTF-8 byte sequence.
fn IndexAny(s: str, chars: str): int
Returns the index of the first instance of any Unicode code point from chars in s, or -1 if no Unicode code point from chars is present in s.
fn LastIndexAny(s: str, chars: str): int
Returns the index of the last instance of any Unicode code point from chars in s, or -1 if no Unicode code point from chars is present in s.
fn SplitN(mut s: str, sep: str, n: int): []str
Slices s into substrings separated by sep and returns a slice of the substrings between those separators.
The count determines the number of substrings to return:
- n > 0: at most n substrings; the last substring will be the unsplit remainder;
- n == 0: the result is nil (zero substrings);
- n < 0: all substrings.
Edge cases for s and sep (for example, empty strings) are handled as described in the documentation for [Split].
To split around the first instance of a separator, see [Cut].
fn SplitAfterN(mut s: str, sep: str, n: int): []str
Slices s into substrings after each instance of sep and returns a slice of those substrings.
The count determines the number of substrings to return:
- n > 0: at most n substrings; the last substring will be the unsplit remainder;
- n == 0: the result is nil (zero substrings);
- n < 0: all substrings.
Edge cases for s and sep (for example, empty strings) are handled as described in the documentation for [SplitAfter].
fn Split(mut s: str, sep: str): []str
Slices s into all substrings separated by sep and returns a slice of the substrings between those separators.
If s does not contain sep and sep is not empty, returns a slice of length 1 whose only element is s.
If sep is empty, splits after each UTF-8 sequence. If both s and sep are empty, returns an empty slice.
It is equivalent to [SplitN] with a count of -1.
To split around the first instance of a separator, see [Cut].
fn SplitAfter(mut s: str, sep: str): []str
Slices s into all substrings after each instance of sep and returns a slice of those substrings.
If s does not contain sep and sep is not empty, returns a slice of length 1 whose only element is s.
If sep is empty, splits after each UTF-8 sequence. If both s and sep are empty, returns an empty slice.
It is equivalent to [SplitAfterN] with a count of -1.
fn Join(elems: []str, sep: str): str
Concatenates the elements of its first argument to create a single string. The separator string sep is placed between elements in the resulting string.
fn HasPrefix(s: str, prefix: str): bool
Reports whether the string s begins with prefix.
fn HasSuffix(s: str, suffix: str): bool
Reports whether the string s ends with suffix.
fn Map(mapping: fn(rune): rune, mut s: str): str
Returns a copy of the string s with all its characters modified according to the mapping function. If mapping returns a negative value, the character is dropped from the string with no replacement.
fn Repeat(s: str, count: int): str
Returns a new string consisting of count copies of the string s.
It panics if count is negative or if the result of (len(s) * count) overflows.
fn IndexFunc(s: str, f: fn(rune): bool): int
Returns the index into s of the first Unicode code point satisfying f(c), or -1 if none do.
fn LastIndexFunc(s: str, f: fn(rune): bool): int
Returns the index into s of the last Unicode code point satisfying f(c), or -1 if none do.
fn TrimLeftFunc(s: str, f: fn(rune): bool): str
Returns a slice of the string s with all leading Unicode code points c satisfying f(c) removed.
fn TrimRight(s: str, cutset: str): str
Returns a slice of the string s, with all trailing Unicode code points contained in cutset removed.
To remove a suffix, use [TrimSuffix] instead.
fn TrimRightFunc(s: str, f: fn(rune): bool): str
Returns a slice of the string s with all trailing Unicode code points c satisfying f(c) removed.
fn TrimFunc(s: str, f: fn(rune): bool): str
Returns a slice of the string s with all leading and trailing Unicode code points c satisfying f(c) removed.
fn TrimPrefix(s: str, prefix: str): str
Returns s without the provided leading prefix string. If s doesn't start with prefix, s is returned unchanged.
fn TrimSuffix(s: str, suffix: str): str
Returns s without the provided trailing suffix string. If s doesn't end with suffix, s is returned unchanged.
fn Trim(s: str, cutset: str): str
Returns a slice of the string s with all leading and trailing Unicode code points contained in cutset removed.
fn TrimLeft(s: str, cutset: str): str
Returns a slice of the string s with all leading Unicode code points contained in cutset removed.
To remove a prefix, use [TrimPrefix] instead.
fn TrimSpace(s: str): str
Returns a slice of the string s, with all leading and trailing white space removed, as defined by Unicode.
fn Replace(s: str, old: str, new: str, mut n: int): str
Returns a copy of the string s with the first n non-overlapping instances of old replaced by new. If old is empty, it matches at the beginning of the string and after each UTF-8 sequence, yielding up to k+1 replacements for a k-rune string. If n < 0, there is no limit on the number of replacements.
fn ReplaceAll(s: str, old: str, new: str): str
Returns a copy of the string s with all non-overlapping instances of old replaced by new. If old is empty, it matches at the beginning of the string and after each UTF-8 sequence, yielding up to k+1 replacements for a k-rune string.
fn EqualFold(mut s: str, mut t: str): bool
Reports whether s and t, interpreted as UTF-8 strings, are equal under simple Unicode case-folding, which is a more general form of case-insensitivity.
fn Index(s: str, substr: str): int
Returns the index of the first instance of substr in s, or -1 if substr is not present in s.
fn Cut(s: str, sep: str): (before: str, after: str, found: bool)
Slices s around the first instance of sep, returning the text before and after sep. The found result reports whether sep appears in s. If sep does not appear in s, returns s, "", false.
fn CutPrefix(s: str, prefix: str): (after: str, found: bool)
Returns s without the provided leading prefix string and reports whether it found the prefix. If s doesn't start with prefix, returns s, false. If prefix is the empty string, returns s, true.
fn CutSuffix(s: str, suffix: str): (before: str, found: bool)
Returns s without the provided ending suffix string and reports whether it found the suffix. If s doesn't end with suffix, returns s, false. If suffix is the empty string, returns s, true.
fn ToUpper(s: str): str
Returns s with all Unicode letters mapped to their upper case.
fn ToLower(s: str): str
Returns s with all Unicode letters mapped to their lower case.
fn Compare(a: str, b: str): int
Returns an integer comparing two strings lexicographically. The result will be 0 if a == b, -1 if a < b, and +1 if a > b.
Use compare when you need to perform a three-way comparison (with [slices::SortFunc], for example). It is usually clearer and always faster to use the built-in string comparison operators ==, <, >, and so on.
struct Replacer {
// NOTE: contains filtered hidden or unexported fields
Replaces a list of strings with replacements. It is more efficient than Replace function for multiple replacements on one string. It is safe for concurrent use by multiple threads.
static fn New(oldnew: ...str): &Replacer
Returns a new [Replacer] from a list of old, new string pairs. Replacements are performed in the order they appear in the target string, without overlapping matches. The old string comparisons are done in argument order.
Panics if given an odd number of arguments.
fn Replace(self, s: str): str
Replaces s and returns the result.
fn WriteStr(self, s: str, mut w: io::StrWriter)!: (n: int)
Applies replace on s and writes result to w. Forwards any exception if any.
struct Builder {
// NOTE: contains filtered hidden or unexported fields
String builder for efficient concatenation. Optimized for single string building not for repeated use.
A Builder must not be copied after first use.
Implemented Traits
fn Write(mut self, b: []byte)!: (n: int)
Writes bytes to buffer. Never throws an exceptional.
fn WriteStr(mut self, s: str)!: (n: int)
Writes bytes to buffer. Never throws an exceptional.
fn WriteByte(mut self, b: byte)!
Writes byte to buffer. Never throws an exceptional.
fn WriteRune(mut self, r: rune)!: (n: int)
Writes rune into buffer. Returns written byte count. Never throws an exceptional.
fn Grow(mut self, n: int)
Grows b's capacity, if necessary, to guarantee space for another n bytes. After Grow(n), at least n bytes can be written to b without another allocation. If n is negative, panics.
fn Str(self): str
Returns buffer as string. Will not reset the underlying content.
fn Clear(mut self)
Clears buffer. After calling this function, write calls will allocate new buffer.
fn Len(self): int
Returns length of buffer.
fn Cap(self): int
Returns capacity of buffer.
unsafe fn Buf(mut self): []byte
Returns mutable buffer for low-level interactions.
unsafe fn SetBuf(mut self, mut buf: []byte)
Sets mutable internal buffer for low-level interactions.