fn ReadDir(path: str)!: (dirents: []DirEntry)
fn Mkdir(path: str)!
fn Rmdir(path: str)!
fn Open(path: str)!: &File
fn OpenFile(path: str, mode: int, perm: FileMode)!: &File
fn Remove(path: str)!
fn Create(path: str)!: &File
fn ReadFile(path: str)!: []byte
fn WriteFile(path: str, data: []byte, perm: FileMode)!
fn Pipe()!: (r: &File, w: &File)
fn Stat(path: str)!: FileInfo
fn Lstat(path: str)!: FileInfo
fn Exit(code: int)
fn Executable(): str
fn Args(): []str
fn Env(): []str
fn Getwd()!: str
fn Chdir(path: str)!
fn Getenv(key: str): str
fn LookupEnv(key: str): (val: str, unset: bool)
fn Setenv(key: str, val: str): bool
fn Stdin(): &Stdio
fn Stdout(): &Stdio
fn Stderr(): &Stdio
struct DirEntry
struct Cmd
static fn New(path: str): &Cmd
fn Spawn(self)!
fn Kill(self)!
fn Wait(self)!: int
struct File
fn Write(mut self, buf: []byte)!: (n: int)
fn Read(mut self, mut buf: []byte)!: (n: int)
fn Seek(mut self, offset: i64, whence: int)!: i64
fn Sync(mut self)!
fn Truncate(mut self, size: i64)!
fn Close(mut self)!
type FileMode
fn Str(self): str
fn IsDir(self): bool
fn IsRegular(self): bool
fn Perm(self): FileMode
fn Type(self): FileMode
struct Stdio
unsafe fn File(mut self): &File
fn Read(mut self, mut buf: []byte)!: (n: int)
fn Write(mut self, buf: []byte)!: (n: int)
fn ReadByte(mut self)!: (b: byte, n: int)
fn WriteByte(mut self, b: byte)!
fn WriteRune(mut self, r: rune)!: (n: int)
fn WriteStr(mut self, s: str)!: (n: int)
fn ReadLine(mut self)!: str
struct FileInfo
fn IsDir(self): bool
fn Mode(self): FileMode
fn ModTime(self): time::Time
fn Size(self): i64
enum Error
enum CmdError
enum FSError
const DevNull = devNull
The name of the operating system's “null device.” On Unix-like systems, it is "/dev/null"; on Windows, "NUL".
const O_RDONLY = sys::O_RDONLY // Open the file read-only
const O_WRONLY = sys::O_WRONLY // Open the file write-only
const O_RDWR = sys::O_RDWR // Open the file read-write
const O_APPEND = sys::O_APPEND // Append data to the file when writing
const O_CREATE = sys::O_CREAT // Create a new file if none exists
const O_EXCL = sys::O_EXCL // Used with O_CREATE, file must not exist
const O_SYNC = sys::O_SYNC // Open for synchronous I/O
const O_TRUNC = sys::O_TRUNC // Truncate regular writable file when opened
Flags to OpenFile wrapping those of the underlying system. Not all flags may be implemented on a given system.
const ModeDir = 1 << 31 // d: is a directory
const ModeAppend = 1 << 30 // a: append-only
const ModeExclusive = 1 << 29 // l: exclusive use
const ModeTemporary = 1 << 28 // T: temporary file; Plan 9 only
const ModeSymlink = 1 << 27 // L: symbolic link
const ModeDevice = 1 << 26 // D: device file
const ModeNamedPipe = 1 << 25 // p: named pipe (FIFO)
const ModeSocket = 1 << 24 // S: Unix domain socket
const ModeSetuid = 1 << 23 // u: setuid
const ModeSetgid = 1 << 22 // g: setgid
const ModeCharDevice = 1 << 21 // c: Unix character device, when ModeDevice is set
const ModeSticky = 1 << 20 // t: sticky
const ModeIrregular = 1 << 19 // ?: non-regular file; nothing else is known about this file
The defined file mode bits are the most significant bits of the [FileMode]. The nine least-significant bits are the standard Unix rwxrwxrwx permissions. The values of these bits should be considered part of the public API and may be used in wire protocols or disk representations: they must not be changed, although new bits might be added.
const ModeType = ModeDir | ModeSymlink | ModeNamedPipe | ModeSocket | ModeDevice | ModeCharDevice | ModeIrregular
Mask for the type bits. For regular files, none will be set.
const ModePerm = 0777
Unix permission bits.
fn ReadDir(path: str)!: (dirents: []DirEntry)
Reads the named directory and returns all its directory entries can read.
fn Mkdir(path: str)!
Creates directory.
fn Rmdir(path: str)!
Removes empty directory.
fn Open(path: str)!: &File
Opens the named file for reading. If successful, methods on the returned file can be used for reading; the associated file descriptor has mode O_RDONLY.
fn OpenFile(path: str, mode: int, perm: FileMode)!: &File
Opens file stream with named file, specified flag (O_RDRW, O_TRUNC etc.) and perm. If named file does not exist and O_CREATE flag is passed, will created with mode (before umask). If successful, returns File reference with handle to file stream and the reference can used for I/O operations.
fn Remove(path: str)!
Removes named file.
fn Create(path: str)!: &File
Creates or truncates the named file. If the file already exists, it is truncated. If the file does not exist, it is created with mode 0666 (before umask). If successful, methods on the returned File can be used for I/O; the associated file descriptor has mode O_RDWR. Calls internally `File.Open` and forwards any exceptional.
fn ReadFile(path: str)!: []byte
Reads bytes of file. First, learns byte-size of file. Then reads bytes and returns buffer.
fn WriteFile(path: str, data: []byte, perm: FileMode)!
Writes data to the named file, creating it if necessary. If the file does not exist, creates it with permissions perm (before umask); otherwise truncates it before writing, without changing permissions. Since requires multiple system calls to complete, a failure mid-operation can leave the file in a partially written state. Calls internally `File.Open`, `File.Write`, `File.Close` and forwards any exceptional.
fn Pipe()!: (r: &File, w: &File)
Pipe returns a connected pair of Files; reads from r return bytes written to w. The Windows handles underlying the returned files are marked as inheritable by child processes.
fn Stat(path: str)!: FileInfo
Returns a [FileInfo] describing the named file.
fn Lstat(path: str)!: FileInfo
Returns a [FileInfo] describing the named file. If the file is a symbolic link, the returned FileInfo describes the symbolic link. It makes no attempt to follow the link.
On Windows, if the file is a reparse point that is a surrogate for another named entity (such as a symbolic link or mounted folder), the returned FileInfo describes the reparse point, and makes no attempt to resolve it.
fn Exit(code: int)
Causes the current program to exit with the given status code. Conventionally, code zero indicates success, non-zero an error.
fn Executable(): str
Returns executable path. Returns empty string if any error occurs.
fn Args(): []str
Returns command-line arguments. Starts with the program name.
fn Env(): []str
Returns environment variables.
fn Getwd()!: str
Returns an absolute path name of the current working directory of the calling process.
fn Chdir(path: str)!
Changes the current working directory to the given directory.
fn Getenv(key: str): str
Retrieves the value of the environment variable named by the key. It returns the value, which will be empty if the variable is not present. To distinguish between an empty value and an unset value, use [LookupEnv].
fn LookupEnv(key: str): (val: str, unset: bool)
Retrieves the value of the environment variable named by the key. If the variable is present in the environment the value (which may be empty) is returned and the boolean is false. Otherwise the returned value will be empty and the boolean will be true.
fn Setenv(key: str, val: str): bool
Sets the value of the environment variable named by the key. Reports whether it successful.
fn Stdin(): &Stdio
Returns Stdio for the standard input file descriptor.
fn Stdout(): &Stdio
Returns Stdio for the standard output file descriptor.
fn Stderr(): &Stdio
Returns Stdio for the standard error file descriptor.
struct DirEntry {
Name: str
Stat: FileInfo
Directory entry.
struct Cmd {
Args: []str
Env: []str
// NOTE: contains filtered hidden or unexported fields
Runs a command in the operating system. There is no pipe for the output of the command, so any output will appear on the standard output.
The Args stores command-line arguments. The first argument is not should to be the path of the executable. Just pass necessary arguments.
The Env stores environment variables. If Env is nil or len(Env) == 0, child process will use copy of the parent process's environment variables. Environment variables should be in the "KEY=value" format.
static fn New(path: str): &Cmd
Returns Cmd instance for path.
fn Spawn(self)!
Spawns new child-process and executes command. Panics if command is already spawned. Use the [Wait] or [Kill] method to make respawnable. Exceptionals will always be CmdError.
fn Kill(self)!
Kills process. Fails if process is not alive. Panics if command is not spawned. Exceptionals will always be CmdError.
fn Wait(self)!: int
Waits complete for running of process. Returns exit code of process. Panics if command is not spawned. Exceptionals will always be CmdError.
struct File {
// NOTE: contains filtered hidden or unexported fields
The file stream handle.
It works like a wrapper when it comes to console handle like stdin, stdout or stderr. Read and write functions are supported for console handlers. The rest of the functions are not supported and not checked, it is undefined behavior.
There may be system call differences and performance differences for console handlers depending on the operating system. For example, Windows has an overhead for UTF-16 processing.
Implemented Traits
fn Write(mut self, buf: []byte)!: (n: int)
Writes bytes to handle and returns written byte count. The number of bytes written can never exceed the length of the buf.
Implements the io::Writer trait.
fn Read(mut self, mut buf: []byte)!: (n: int)
Read bytes to buffer from handle and returns read byte count. The number of bytes read can never exceed the length of the buf. If the buf is larger than the number of bytes that can be read, the buffer will not cause an overflow. Offset will be shifted by the number of bytes read.
Implements the io::Reader trait.
fn Seek(mut self, offset: i64, whence: int)!: i64
Sets offset to next Read/Write operation and returns the new offset. whence: 0 (io::SeekStart) means, relative to the whence of the file, 1 (io::SeekCurrent) means relative to the current offset, and 2 (io::SeekEnd) means relative to end.
fn Sync(mut self)!
Commits the current contents of the file to stable storage. Typically, this means flushing the file system's in-memory copy of recently written data to disk.
fn Truncate(mut self, size: i64)!
Changes the size of the file. It does not change the I/O offset.
fn Close(mut self)!
Closes file handle.
Implements the io::Closer trait.
type FileMode: u32
Represents a file's mode and permission bits. The bits have the same definition on all systems, so that information about files can be moved from one system to another portably. Not all bits apply to all systems. The only required bit is [ModeDir] for directories.
fn Str(self): str
fn IsDir(self): bool
Reports whether self describes a directory. That is, it tests for the [ModeDir] bit being set in self.
fn IsRegular(self): bool
Reports whether self describes a regular file. That is, it tests that no mode type bits are set.
fn Perm(self): FileMode
Returns the Unix permission bits in self (self & [ModePerm]).
fn Type(self): FileMode
Returns type bits in self (self & [ModeType]).
struct Stdio {
// NOTE: contains filtered hidden or unexported fields
Safe file handler wrapper for the standard file descriptors. Implements safe and extended functionalities for the standard output, standard error and standard input file descriptors. In general, it is a File wrapper for the handle. Any exceptional will be FsError and forwarded from File's methods.
Implemented Traits
unsafe fn File(mut self): &File
Returns File handle. It is unsafe because using File handle directly may be not safe. Stdio handlers use mutable internal handlers, so any mutation may will cause issues.
fn Read(mut self, mut buf: []byte)!: (n: int)
Implements the io::Reader trait. Panics if file descriptor is not standard input.
fn Write(mut self, buf: []byte)!: (n: int)
Implements the io::Writer trait. Panics if file descriptor is not standard output or standard error.
fn ReadByte(mut self)!: (b: byte, n: int)
Implements the io::ByteReader trait. Panics if file descriptor is not standard input.
fn WriteByte(mut self, b: byte)!
Implements the io::ByteWriter trait. Panics if file descriptor is not standard output or standard error.
fn WriteRune(mut self, r: rune)!: (n: int)
Implements the io::RuneWriter trait. Panics if file descriptor is not standard output or standard error.
fn WriteStr(mut self, s: str)!: (n: int)
Implements the io::WriteStr trait. Calls the `Stdio.Write` internally and forwards any exceptinal.
fn ReadLine(mut self)!: str
Reads input until the end of the line and returns as string. Result string is not include newline. Panics if file descriptor is not standard input.
struct FileInfo {
// NOTE: contains filtered hidden or unexported fields
Describes a file and is returned by [Stat].
fn IsDir(self): bool
Abbreviation for self.Mode().IsDir().
fn Mode(self): FileMode
Returns file mode bits.
fn ModTime(self): time::Time
Returns modification time.
fn Size(self): i64
Returns length in bytes for regular files; system-dependent for others.
enum Error {
Denied, // Search permission is denied for a component of the path prefix
IO, // Input/Output error, an error occurred while reading from the file system
Loop, // A loop exists in symbolic links encountered during resolution of the path argument
LongPath, // The length of the path argument exceeds maximum path length or a pathname component is longer than maximum name length
NotExist, // A component of path does not name an existing file or path is an empty string
NotDir, // A component of the path prefix is not a directory
InsufficientMemory, // Insufficient memory to complete the operation
Device, // Device did not respond
General OS error codes.
enum CmdError {
Denied, // Permission is not enough.
NotExist, // One or more components of the new process path name of the file do not exist or is a null pathname.
Env, // Environment variables are represented in wrong format or an error occurred when assigning.
Spawn, // An error occurred spawning.
Other, // Other system error.
Cmd error codes.
enum FSError {
Denied, // Search permission is denied for a component of the path prefix
IO, // Input/Output error, an error occurred while reading from or writing to the file system
Loop, // A loop exists in symbolic links encountered during resolution of the path argument
LongPath, // The length of the path argument exceeds maximum path length or a pathname component is longer than maximum name length
NotExist, // A component of path does not name an existing file or path is an empty string
NotDir, // A component of the path prefix is not a directory
Overflow, // The file size in bytes or the number of blocks allocated to the file or the file serial number cannot be represented correctly in the structure pointed to by buf
InvalidDescriptor, // fd is not a valid file descriptor opened for reading
PerProcessLimit, // The per-process limit on the number of open file descriptors has been reached
SystemWideLimit, // The system-wide limit on the total number of open files has been reached
InsufficientMemory, // Insufficient memory to complete the operation
Exist, // A component of path does name an existing file
Signal, // A signal was caught during
SyncIO, // The implementation does not support synchronized I/O for this file
IsDir, // The named file is a directory and flag includes O_WRONLY or O_RDWR
UnableStream, // The path argument names a STREAMS-based file and the system is unable to allocate a STREAM
NoSpace, // There is no space on the drive
Device, // Device did not respond
ReadOnly, // Read-only filesystem
Retry, // Resource temporarily unavailable
Busy, // File is busy
Big, // File too large
Pipe, // Broken pipe
Range, // Input is outside the range
Seek, // Illegal seek
Buffer, // No buffer space available
BadMessage, // Not a data message
NotEmpty, // Not empty
File system error codes.