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Type Aliases

type UnixTime: u64

Type of unix-time seconds.

type TimeData: uint

Type of abstract time data.

type DurInt: i64

Integer type of durations.


fn Sleep(mut dur: DurInt)
Stops execution of caller thread by absolute duration. This function only affects execution of caller thread, not process.


struct AbsTime {
    Day:     TimeData
    WeekDay: TimeData
    YearDay: TimeData
    Month:   TimeData
    Year:    TimeData
    Second:  TimeData
    Minute:  TimeData
    Hour:    TimeData

Abstract time.


fn Unix(self): UnixTime
Returns abstract time as unix-time seconds.

struct Time

Timestamp. If you are going to use this structure to process data of a time, you can obtain an 'AbsTime' instance by using the Abs() method to be more efficient. Each function of this structure, such as day or year, uses an Abs() call in the background. Back-to-back calls may cause you to make the same calculation over and over again.


static fn Unix(sec: UnixTime): Time
Returns new time instance from unix-time.

static fn Now(): Time
Returns time instance of the moment.

fn Unix(self): UnixTime
Returns time as unix-time.

fn Day(self): TimeData
Returns day of month.

fn Month(self): TimeData
Returns month.

fn Year(self): TimeData
Returns year.

fn Second(self): TimeData
Returns second.

fn Minute(self): TimeData
Returns minute.

fn Hour(self): TimeData
Returns hour.

fn Abs(self): AbsTime
Returns time as abstract time.

struct Duration

Duration is the time between two times.

Static Fields:

const Nanosecond: DurInt
A nanosecond.

const Microsecond: DurInt
Nanoseconds in microsecond. How many nanoseconds are in microsecond.

const Millisecond: DurInt
Nanoseconds in millisecond. How many nanoseconds are in millisecond.

const Second: DurInt
Nanoseconds in second. How many nanoseconds are in second.

const Minute: DurInt
Nanoseconds in minute. How many nanoseconds are in minute.

const Hour: DurInt
Nanoseconds in hour. How many nanoseconds are in hour.


static fn Nanoseconds(d: DurInt): DurInt
Returns duration as nanoseconds.

static fn Microseconds(d: DurInt): DurInt
Returns duration as microseconds.

static fn Milliseconds(d: DurInt): DurInt
Returns duration as milliseconds.

static fn Seconds(d: DurInt): f64
Returns duration as floating-point seconds.

static fn Minutes(d: DurInt): f64
Returns duration as floating-point minutes.

static fn Hours(d: DurInt): f64
Returns duration as floating-point hours.

static fn Abs(d: DurInt): DurInt
Returns absolute value of duration.

static fn Str(d: DurInt): str
Returns a string representing the duration in the form 72h3m0.5s. Leading zero units are omitted. As a special case, durations less than one second format use a smaller unit (milli-, micro-, or nanoseconds) to ensure that the leading digit is non-zero. The zero duration formats as 0s.