fn RealKindOf(kind: str): str
fn BitSizeOf(k: str): int
fn IntFromBits(bits: int): str
fn UintFromBits(bits: int): str
fn FloatFromBits(bits: int): str
fn CheckBitInt(v: str, bit: int): bool
fn CheckBitUint(v: str, bit: int): bool
fn CheckBitFloat(val: str, bit: int): bool
fn BitSizeOfFloat(x: f64): int
fn BitSizeOfInt(x: i64): int
fn BitSizeOfUint(x: u64): int
fn UpdateTarget()
fn MinI(mut k: str): i64
fn MaxI(mut k: str): i64
fn MaxU(mut k: str): u64
fn Min(mut k: str): f64
fn Max(mut k: str): f64
fn IsSigInt(mut k: str): bool
fn IsUnsigInt(mut k: str): bool
fn IsInt(k: str): bool
fn IsFloat(k: str): bool
fn IsNum(k: str): bool
fn IsSigNum(k: str): bool
enum Kind
static BitSize = 0
Bit-size of target architecture. Possible values are: 32, and 64. Initialized using build::Arch by the package when imported.
static SysInt = ""
Signed integer kind of target architecture. Is equivalent to "int", but specific bit-sized integer kind. Initialized using build::Arch by the package when imported.
static SysUint = ""
Unsigned integer kind of target architecture. Is equivalent to "uint" and "uintptr", but specific bit-sized integer kind. Initialized using build::Arch by the package when imported.
const MaxF32 = 0x1p127 * (1 + (1 - 0x1p-23))
Maximum positive value of 32-bit floating-points.
const MinF32 = -0x1p127 * (1 + (1 - 0x1p-23))
Maximum negative value of 32-bit floating-points.
const SmallestNonZeroF32 = 0x1p-126 * 0x1p-23
The smallest positive non-zero value representable by the 32-bit floating-points.
const MaxF64 = 0x1p1023 * (1 + (1 - 0x1p-52))
Maximum positive value of 64-bit floating-points.
const MinF64 = -0x1p1023 * (1 + (1 - 0x1p-52))
Maximum negative value of 64-bit floating-points.
const SmallestNonZeroF64 = 0x1p-1022 * 0x1p-52
The smallest positive non-zero value representable by the 64-bit floating-points.
const MaxI8 = 127
Maximum positive value of 8-bit signed integers.
const MinI8 = -128
Maximum negative value of 8-bit signed integers.
const MaxI16 = 32767
Maximum positive value of 16-bit signed integers.
const MinI16 = -32768
Maximum negative value of 16-bit signed integers.
const MaxI32 = 2147483647
Maximum positive value of 32-bit signed integers.
const MinI32 = -2147483648
Maximum negative value of 32-bit signed integers.
const MaxI64 = 9223372036854775807
Maximum positive value of 64-bit signed integers.
const MinI64 = -9223372036854775808
Maximum negative value of 64-bit signed integers.
const MaxU8 = 255
Maximum value of 8-bit unsigned integers.
const MaxU16 = 65535
Maximum value of 16-bit unsigned integers.
const MaxU32 = 4294967295
Maximum value of 32-bit unsigned integers.
const MaxU64 = 18446744073709551615
Maximum value of 64-bit unsigned integers.
fn RealKindOf(kind: str): str
Returns kind's bit-specific kind if bit-specific like int, uint, and uintptr. Returns kind if not bit-specific. Bit-size is determined by runtime.
fn BitSizeOf(k: str): int
Returns kind's bit-size. Returns -1 if kind is not numeric.
fn IntFromBits(bits: int): str
Returns signed integer kind by bit-size. Possible bit-sizes are: 8, 16, 32, and 64. Returns empty string if bits is invalid.
fn UintFromBits(bits: int): str
Returns unsigned integer kind by bit-size. Possible bit-sizes are: 8, 16, 32, and 64. Returns empty string if bits is invalid.
fn FloatFromBits(bits: int): str
Returns floating-point kind by bit-size. Possible bit-sizes are: 32, and 64. Returns empty string if bits is invalid.
fn CheckBitInt(v: str, bit: int): bool
Reports whether signed integer literal is compatible given bit-size.
fn CheckBitUint(v: str, bit: int): bool
Reports whether unsigned integer literal is compatible given bit-size.
fn CheckBitFloat(val: str, bit: int): bool
Reports whether float literal is compatible given bit-size.
fn BitSizeOfFloat(x: f64): int
Reports minimum bit-size of given floating-point.
Possible values are:
- 32 for 32-bit
- 64 for 64-bit
fn BitSizeOfInt(x: i64): int
Reports minimum bit-size of given signed integer.
Possible values are:
- 8 for 8-bit
- 16 for 16-bit
- 32 for 32-bit
- 64 for 64-bit
fn BitSizeOfUint(x: u64): int
Reports minimum bit-size of given unsigned integer.
Possible values are:
- 8 for 8-bit
- 16 for 16-bit
- 32 for 32-bit
- 64 for 64-bit
fn UpdateTarget()
Updates platform-specific information based on the target. If you will update target configuration, you should call this function. In other words, new configurations is not applied for types.
fn MinI(mut k: str): i64
Returns minimum value of signed integer kinds. Returns 0 if kind iss invalid.
fn MaxI(mut k: str): i64
Returns minimum value of signed integer kinds. Returns 0 if kind is invalid.
fn MaxU(mut k: str): u64
Returns maximum value of unsigned integer kinds. Returns 0 if kind is invalid.
fn Min(mut k: str): f64
Returns minimum value of signed/unsigned integer and floating-point kinds. Returns 0 if kind is invalid.
fn Max(mut k: str): f64
Returns maximum value of signed/unsigned integer and floating-point kinds. Returns 0 if kind is invalid.
fn IsSigInt(mut k: str): bool
Reports whether kind is signed integer.
fn IsUnsigInt(mut k: str): bool
Reports kind is unsigned integer.
fn IsInt(k: str): bool
Reports whether kind is signed/unsigned integer.
fn IsFloat(k: str): bool
Reports whether kind is float.
fn IsNum(k: str): bool
Reports whether kind is numeric.
fn IsSigNum(k: str): bool
Reports whether kind is signed numeric.
enum Kind: str {
I8: "i8", // Kind of signed 8-bit integer
I16: "i16", // Kind of signed 16-bit integer
I32: "i32", // Kind of signed 32-bit integer
I64: "i64", // Kind of signed 64-bit integer
U8: "u8", // Kind of unsigned 8-bit integer
U16: "u16", // Kind of unsigned 16-bit integer
U32: "u32", // Kind of unsigned 32-bit integer
U64: "u64", // Kind of unsigned 64-bit integer
F32: "f32", // Kind of 32-bit floating-point
F64: "f64", // Kind of 64-bit floating-point
Uint: "uint", // Kind of system specific bit-size unsigned integer
Int: "int", // Kind of system specific bit-size signed integer
Uintptr: "uintptr", // Kind of system specific bit-size unsigned integer
Bool: "bool", // Kind of boolean
Str: "str", // Kind of string
Any: "any", // Kind of any type
Type kinds of primitive types. These kinds are must match keyword form itself.