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const Ext: str

Extension (includes dot) of Jule source code files.

const Api: str

Directory name of JuleC++ API.

const Stdlib: str

Directory name of standard library.

const EntryPoint: str

Identifier of entry point function.

const InitFn: str

Identifier of initializer function.

const ModuleFile: str

Filename of module file.

static mut Os: str

Target operating system.
Setted to runtime operating system by default.

static mut Arch: str

Target architecture.
Setted to runtime architecture by default.

static CppHeaderExts: [...]str

Valid extensions of C++ headers.

static CppExts: [...]str

Valid extensions of C++ source files.

static ObjectiveCppExts: [...]str

Valid extensions of Objective-C++ source files.

static Distos: [...]Os

List of supported operating systems.

static Distarch: [...]Arch

List of supported architectures.

const DirectivePrefix: str

Prefix of directive comments.

static PathStdlib: str

Path of standard library.


Initialized by initializer function.

static PathExec: str

Path of executable file's directory.


Initialized by initializer function.

static PathWd: str

Path of working directory.


Initialized by initializer function.

static PathApi: str

Path of main API header file.


Initialized by initializer function.


fn IsTopDirective(directive: str): bool
Reports whether directive is top-directive.

fn IsStdHeaderPath(p: str): bool
Reports whether path is C++ std library path.

fn IsValidCppExt(p: str): bool
Reports whether C++ extension is valid.

fn IsValidHeaderExt(ext: str): bool
Reports whether C++ header extension is valid.

fn IsJule(path: str): bool
Reports whether file path is Jule source code.

fn Logf(key: str, args: ...any): str
Returns formatted error message by fmt and args.

fn IsWindows(os: str): bool
Reports whether os is windows.

fn IsDarwin(os: str): bool
Reports whether os is darwin.

fn IsLinux(os: str): bool
Reports whether os is linux.

fn IsI386(arch: str): bool
Reports whether architecture is intel 386.

fn IsAmd64(arch: str): bool
Reports whether architecture is amd64.

fn IsArm64(arch: str): bool
Reports whether architecture is arm64.

fn IsUnix(os: str): bool
Reports whether os is unix.

fn Is32Bit(arch: str): bool
Reports whether architecture is 32-bit.

fn Is64Bit(arch: str): bool
Reports whether architecture is 64-bit.


struct Log {
    Kind:       LogKind
    Row:        int
    Column:     int
    Path:       str
    Text:       str
    Line:       str
    Suggestion: str

Compiler log.


enum Directive: str

Compiler directives.


  • Cdef
  • Typedef
  • Derive
  • Pass
  • Build
  • Namespace
  • Deprecated

enum Os: str

Operating Systems for file annotation kind.


  • Windows
  • Linux
  • Darwin
  • Unix

enum Arch: str

Architectures for file annotation kind.


  • I386
  • Arm64
  • Amd64
  • X32
  • X64

enum Derive: str

All built-in derive defines.


  • Clone

enum LogKind

Log kinds.


  • Flat: Just text.
  • Error: Error message.

enum LogMsg

Compiler log messages with formatting.


  • Empty

  • StdlibNotExist

  • FileNotUseable

  • FileNotJule

  • NoEntryPoint

  • DuplicatedIdent

  • ExtraClosedParent

  • ExtraClosedBrace

  • ExtraClosedBracket

  • WaitCloseParent

  • WaitCloseBrace

  • WaitCloseBracket

  • ExpectedParentClose

  • ExpectedBraceClose

  • ExpectedBracketClose

  • BodyNotExist

  • OperatorOverflow

  • IncompatibleTypes

  • OperatorNotForJuleType

  • OperatorNotForFloat

  • OperatorNotForInt

  • OperatorNotForUint

  • IdentNotExist

  • NotFnCall

  • ArgumentOverflow

  • FnHaveRet

  • FnHaveParameters

  • FnIsUnsafe

  • RequireRetExpr

  • VoidFnRetExpr

  • BitShiftMustUnsigned

  • LogicalNotBool

  • AssignConst

  • AssignRequireLvalue

  • AssignTypeNotSupportValue

  • InvalidToken

  • InvalidSyntax

  • InvalidType

  • InvalidNumericRange

  • InvalidExprForUnary

  • InvalidEscapeSeq

  • InvalidTypeSource

  • InvalidTypeForConst

  • InvalidExpr

  • InvalidCppExt

  • InvalidLabel

  • InvalidExprForTypeInference

  • MissingValueForTypeInference

  • MissingType

  • MissingExpr

  • MissingBlockCommentClose

  • MissingRuneEnd

  • MissingRet

  • MissingStrEnd

  • MissingMultiRet

  • MissingMultiAssignIdents

  • MissingUsePath

  • MissingGotoLabel

  • MissingExprFor

  • MissingGenerics

  • MissingReceiver

  • MissingFnParentheses

  • ExprNotConst

  • NilForTypeInference

  • VoidForTypeInference

  • RuneEmpty

  • RuneOverflow

  • NotSupportsIndexing

  • NotSupportsSlicing

  • AlreadyConst

  • AlreadyVariadic

  • AlreadyReference

  • DuplicateUseDecl

  • IgnoreIdent

  • OverflowMultiAssignIdents

  • OverflowRet

  • BreakAtOutOfValidScope

  • ContinueAtOutOfValidScope

  • IterWhileRequireBoolExpr

  • IterRangeRequireEnumerableExpr

  • MuchRangeVars

  • IfRequireBoolExpr

  • ElseHaveExpr

  • VariadicParamNotLast

  • VariadicWithNonVariadicable

  • MoreArgsWithVariadiced

  • VariadicReference

  • TypeNotSupportsCasting

  • TypeNotSupportsCastingTo

  • UseAtContent

  • UseNotFound

  • DefNotSupportPub

  • ObjNotSupportSubFields

  • ObjHaveNotIdent

  • TypeNotSupportSubFields

  • TypeHaveNotIdent

  • DeclaredButNotUsed

  • ExprNotFnCall

  • LabelExist

  • LabelNotExist

  • GotoJumpsDeclarations

  • FnNotHasParam

  • AlreadyHasExpr

  • ArgMustTargetToField

  • OverflowLimits

  • GenericsOverflow

  • HasGenerics

  • NotHasGenerics

  • TypeNotSupportsGenerics

  • DivByZero

  • TraitHaveNotIdent

  • NotImplTraitDef

  • DynamicTypeAnnotationFailed

  • FallthroughWrongUse

  • FallthroughIntoFinalCase

  • UnsafeBehaviorAtOutOfUnsafeScope

  • RefMethodUsedWithNotRefInstance

  • MethodAsAnonFn

  • CppFnAsAnonFn

  • GenericedFnAsAnonFn

  • IllegalCycleRefersItself

  • IllegalCrossCycle

  • AssignToNonMut

  • AssignNonMutToMut

  • RetWithMutTypedNonMut

  • MutOperationOnImmut

  • TraitHasRefParamFn

  • EnumHaveNotField

  • DuplicateMatchType

  • CppLinkedVarHasExpr

  • CppLinkedVarIsConst

  • ConstVarNotHaveExpr

  • RefRefsRef

  • RefRefsPtr

  • RefRefsArr

  • RefRefsEnum

  • PtrPointsRef

  • PtrPointsEnum

  • MissingExprForUnary

  • InvalidOpForUnary

  • UseDeclAtBody

  • ArrayAutoSized

  • NamespaceNotExist

  • ImplInvalidBase

  • ImplInvalidDest

  • StructAlreadyHaveIdent

  • UnsafePtrIndexing

  • MethodHasGenericWithSameIdent

  • TupleAssignToSingle

  • MissingCompilePath

  • ArraySizeIsNotInt

  • ArraySizeIsNeg

  • BuiltinAsNonFn

  • TypeCaseHasNotValidExpr

  • IllegalImplOutOfPackage

  • MethodNotInvoked

  • DuplicatedUseSelection

  • IdentIsNotAccessible

  • InvalidStmtForNext

  • ModuloWithNotInt

  • PkgIllegalCycleRefersItself

  • PkgIllegalCrossCycle

  • RefersTo

  • NoFileInEntryPackage

  • NoMemberInEnum

  • TypeIsNotDerives

  • TypeNotSupportsClone

  • InternalTypeNotSupportsClone

  • TypeNotCompatibleForDerive

  • DeriveIllegalCycleRefersItself

  • DeriveIllegalCrossCycle

  • InvalidExprForBinop

  • CppLinkedStructForRef

  • TraitMethodHasGenerics

  • EnumAsMapVal

  • GlobalNotStatic

  • StaticNotHaveExpr

  • StaticFnHasReceiver

  • RefAssignNonVar

  • MutRefPointsImmut

  • RefNotInited

  • ConstRef

  • RefIsDangling

  • ConcurrentCallWithRefParam

  • ConcurrentCallWithSelfParam

  • UsedRefInAnonFnFromParentScope

  • EnumCastedFromAny

  • DuplicatedUseAlias

  • BuiltinUsedForRef

  • RefPointsToInvalidType

  • DefaultNotLast

  • TraitImplHasStatic

  • IncompatibleTypeForPtrArithmetic

  • ComptimePanic

  • InvalidTypeForIndexing

  • UnusedDirective

  • UnsupportedDirective

  • ErrorWithNonExceptional

  • CDefineExceptional

  • HandledUnexceptional

  • UnhandledExceptional

  • MissingAssignRet

  • CoForExceptional

  • TypeCallWithExceptional

  • RetInDeferred

  • ErrorInDeferred

  • NilError

  • UseExprOutOfScope

  • UseExprInDeferred

  • UseExprNotLast

  • ExceptionalEntryPoint

  • ExceptionalInit

  • AutoSizedArrFilled

  • AssignInExpr

  • UsingDeprecated

  • TraitImplDeprecated

  • AssertNonBool

  • UseDeclForInternal

  • CppLinkedTypeNotAllowed

  • GenericsNotAllowed

  • InitiationCycle

  • DeclFoundInsteadExpr

  • CallingNonFn

  • ExceptionalAtGlobalScope

  • StructureLitWithPrivFields

  • AnyWithTypeEnum

  • ConstraintFailed

  • SelectedImportExistInPackage

  • CoForCastingCall

  • TypeIsNotComparable

  • AmperOpForEnum

  • MissingArgs

  • InheritedNonTrait

  • IncompatibleInherit

  • ArraySizeOverflow

  • InvalidTypeForTypeOf

  • ComptimeAsExpr

  • InvalidTypeForFn

  • InvalidExprForConstMatch

  • ComptimeFallthrough

  • CannotBeMut

  • ExpectedIdentifier

  • ExpectedLabelIdent

  • ExpectedDotForCpp

  • ExpectedDblColon

  • EmptyParentNotValid

  • GiveExprToCast

  • GiveTypeForCast

  • ExpectedExpr

  • ExpectedAnonFn

  • ExpectedLeftOperand

  • ExpectedRightOperand

  • ExpectedColon

  • ExpectedBody

  • MoveUseDeclToTopOfFile

  • RenameForAvoidDuplication

  • RemoveUseDeclAvoidDuplication

  • RenameUseAliasAvoidDuplication

  • RemoveUseSelectionAvoidDupliation

  • RemoveConstToAssign

  • UseStaticKeywordToDef

  • RemoveFallthroughFromFinalCase

  • MakePubToAccess

  • ExpressionMustBeReferenceType

  • CastToEnumTypeInsteadOfEnum

  • TryFloatingPoint

  • ExpectedColonForAssign

  • DeclareExceptional

  • HandleExceptional

  • HandleInFn

  • JustIgnoreOrHandle

  • UseImperative

  • UseUnsafeForDeprecated

  • ExpectedStruct

  • ExpectedTrait

  • UseTypeMatch

  • WrapExceptional

  • UseFieldPairToInstantiate

  • InstantiateGenericFnToUseAsAnon

  • UseUnsafeJuleToCallCo

  • UseUnsafeJuleToCallCoSelf

  • DefineZeroDefaultToUseAmper