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fn IsStdHeaderPath(p: str): bool
fn IsValidHeaderExt(ext: str): bool
fn IsValidCppExt(ext: str): bool
fn Logf(fmt: LogMsg, args: ...any): str
fn IsTopDirective(directive: str): bool
fn IsWindows(os: str): bool
fn IsDarwin(os: str): bool
fn IsLinux(os: str): bool
fn IsI386(arch: str): bool
fn IsAmd64(arch: str): bool
fn IsArm64(arch: str): bool
fn IsUnix(os: str): bool
fn Is32Bit(arch: str): bool
fn Is64Bit(arch: str): bool
fn IsJule(path: str): bool
struct Log
enum LogMsg
enum LogKind
enum Directive
enum DistOS
enum DistArch


static CppHeaderExts: [...]str = [ ... ]

Valid extensions of C++ headers.

static CppExts: [...]str = [ ... ]

Valid extensions of C++ source files.

static ObjectiveCppExts: [...]str = [ ... ]

Valid extensions of Objective-C++ source files.

static PathStdlib = "" // Path of standard library.
static PathExec = ""   // Path of executable file's directory.
static PathWd = ""     // Path of working directory.
static PathApi = ""    // Path of main API header file.

Environment Variables. Initialized by initializer function.

static mut OS = runtime::OS

Target operating system. Set to runtime operating system by default.

static mut Arch = runtime::Arch

Target architecture. Set to runtime architecture by default.

const Api = "api"

Directory name of JuleC++ API.

const Stdlib = "std"

Directory name of standard library.


fn IsStdHeaderPath(p: str): bool

Reports whether path is C++ std library path.


fn IsValidHeaderExt(ext: str): bool

Reports whether C++ header extension is valid.


fn IsValidCppExt(ext: str): bool

Reports whether C++ extension is valid.


fn Logf(fmt: LogMsg, args: ...any): str

Returns formatted error message by fmt and args.


fn IsTopDirective(directive: str): bool

Reports whether directive is top-directive.


fn IsWindows(os: str): bool

Reports whether os is windows.


fn IsDarwin(os: str): bool

Reports whether os is darwin.


fn IsLinux(os: str): bool

Reports whether os is linux.


fn IsI386(arch: str): bool

Reports whether architecture is intel 386.


fn IsAmd64(arch: str): bool

Reports whether architecture is amd64.


fn IsArm64(arch: str): bool

Reports whether architecture is arm64.


fn IsUnix(os: str): bool

Reports whether os is unix.


fn Is32Bit(arch: str): bool

Reports whether architecture is 32-bit.


fn Is64Bit(arch: str): bool

Reports whether architecture is 64-bit.


fn IsJule(path: str): bool

Reports whether file path is Jule source code.


struct Log {
	Kind:       LogKind
	Row:        int
	Column:     int
	Path:       str
	Text:       str
	Line:       str
	Suggestion: str

Compiler log.


enum LogMsg: str {
	Empty: "",
	StdlibNotExist: `standard library not found`,
	FileNotUseable: `file is not usable for this operating system or architecture`,
	FileNotJule: `@ is not a Jule source file`,
	NoEntryPoint: `missing entry point: (main) is not defined`,
	DuplicatedIdent: `duplicate "@" identifier in this scope`,
	ExtraClosedParent: `extra closing parentheses`,
	ExtraClosedBrace: `extra closing brace`,
	ExtraClosedBracket: `extra closing bracket`,
	WaitCloseParent: `parentheses open but not closed`,
	WaitCloseBrace: `braces open but not closed`,
	WaitCloseBracket: `brackets open but not closed`,
	ExpectedParentClose: `closing parentheses expected`,
	ExpectedBraceClose: `closing brace expected`,
	ExpectedBracketClose: `closing bracket expected`,
	BodyNotExist: `body not found`,
	OperatorOverflow: `operator overflow: repetitive operators`,
	IncompatibleTypes: `mismatched types: @ != @`,
	OperatorNotForJuleType: `operator @ is not defined for type @`,
	OperatorNotForFloat: `operator @ is not defined for floating-point types`,
	OperatorNotForInt: `operator @ is not defined for integer types`,
	OperatorNotForUint: `operator @ is not defined for unsigned integer types`,
	IdentNotExist: `undefined identifier: @`,
	NotFuncCall: `value is not a function`,
	ArgumentOverflow: `passed more argument than expected to call @`,
	FieldOverflow: `expression exceeded field count of type`,
	FuncHaveRet: `function @ doesn't have a return type`,
	FuncHaveParameters: `function @ doesn't require any parameters`,
	RequireRetExpr: `non-void functions should return a value`,
	VoidFuncRetExpr: `void functions cannot return a value`,
	BitShiftMustUnsigned: `bit shifting value must be unsigned integer`,
	InvalidShiftCount: `invalid shift count: @`,
	LogicalNotBool: `logical expression must be boolean`,
	AssignConst: `constants cannot be assigned`,
	AssignRequireLvalue: `invalid expression: expected lvalue`,
	AssignTypeNotSupportValue: `type does not support assignment`,
	InvalidToken: `undefined token: @`,
	InvalidSyntax: `invalid syntax`,
	InvalidType: `invalid type`,
	InvalidNumericRange: `arithmetic value out of range`,
	InvalidExprForUnary: `unary operator @ not defined for type @`,
	InvalidEscapeSeq: `invalid escape sequence`,
	InvalidTypeSource: `invalid type source`,
	InvalidTypeForConst: `@ is not a constant type`,
	InvalidExpr: `invalid expression`,
	InvalidCppExt: `invalid C++ extension: @`,
	InvalidLabel: `invalid label: @`,
	InvalidExprForTypeInference: `invalid expression for type inference`,
	MissingValueForTypeInference: `type inferred declarations should have an initializer expression`,
	MissingType: `type missing`,
	MissingExpr: `expression missing`,
	MissingBlockCommentClose: `block comment not closed`,
	MissingRuneEnd: `rune not finished`,
	MissingRet: `missing return at end of function`,
	MissingStrEnd: `string not closed`,
	MissingMultiRet: `missing return expressions for multi-return`,
	MissingMultiAssignIdents: `missing identifier(s) for multiple assignment`,
	MissingUsePath: `missing path`,
	MissingGotoLabel: `missing label identifier for goto statement`,
	MissingExprFor: `missing expression for @`,
	MissingGenerics: `missing generics`,
	MissingReceiver: `missing receiver parameter`,
	MissingFuncParentheses: `missing function parentheses`,
	ExprNotConst: `expression is not constant`,
	NilForTypeInference: `nil cannot be used with type inferred definitions`,
	VoidForTypeInference: `void data cannot be used for type inferred definitions`,
	RuneEmpty: `rune cannot be empty`,
	RuneOverflow: `rune value out of range`,
	NotSupportsIndexing: `type @ does not support indexing`,
	NotSupportsSlicing: `type @ does not support slicing`,
	AlreadyConst: `define is already constant`,
	AlreadyVariadic: `define is already variadic`,
	AlreadyReference: `define is already reference`,
	StaticReference: `static variables cannot be reference`,
	DuplicateUseDecl: `@ is already being used`,
	IgnoreIdent: `ignore operator cannot be used as an identifier for this declaration`,
	OverflowMultiAssignIdents: `overflow multi assignment identifiers`,
	OverflowRet: `overflow return expressions`,
	BreakAtOutOfValidScope: `break keyword not in valid scope`,
	ContinueAtOutOfValidScope: `continue keyword not in valid scope`,
	IterWhileRequireBoolExpr: `while iterations require boolean expression`,
	IterRangeRequireEnumerableExpr: `range iterations must have enumerable expression`,
	MuchRangeVars: `range variables out of range (ironically)`,
	IfRequireBoolExpr: `if conditions require boolean expression`,
	ElseHaveExpr: `else conditions cannot have expressions`,
	VariadicParamNotLast: `variadic parameter must be last parameter`,
	VariadicWithNonVariadicable: `type @ is not variadicable`,
	MoreArgsWithVariadiced: `variadic argument cannot use with more arguments`,
	VariadicReference: `variadic storage cannot be a reference`,
	TypeNotSupportsCasting: `type @ does not support casting`,
	TypeNotSupportsCastingTo: `type @ does not support casting to type @`,
	UseAtContent: `use declaration must be at the top of source code`,
	UseNotFound: `path not found or cannot be accessed: @`,
	DefNotSupportPub: `define does not support modifiers`,
	ObjNotSupportSubFields: `object @ does not support sub-defines`,
	ObjHaveNotIdent: `type @ has no field or method: @`,
	TypeNotSupportSubFields: `type @ is not supports sub-defines`,
	TypeHaveNotIdent: `type @ has no field or method: @`,
	DeclaredButNotUsed: `@ declared but not used`,
	ExprNotFuncCall: `statement must be a function call`,
	LabelExist: `label already exists for this identifier: @`,
	LabelNotExist: `the label @ does not exist`,
	GotoJumpsDeclarations: `goto @ jumps over declaration(s)`,
	FuncNotHasParam: `function does not have a parameter in this identifier: @`,
	AlreadyHasExpr: `@ already has an expression`,
	ArgMustTargetToField: `argument must target a field`,
	OverflowLimits: `overflow the limit of data-type`,
	GenericsOverflow: `overflow generics`,
	HasGenerics: `type has generics but not instantiated with generics`,
	NotHasGenerics: `type has no generics but instantiated with generics`,
	TypeNotSupportsGenerics: `type does not support generics`,
	DivByZero: `don't divide by zero`,
	TraitHaveNotIdent: `trait @ has no define @`,
	NotImplTraitDef: `trait @ derived but not implemented define @`,
	DynamicTypeAnnotationFailed: `dynamic type annotation failed`,
	FallthroughWrongUse: `fall keyword can only be used at end of case scopes`,
	FallthroughIntoFinalCase: `fall cannot be used in the final case`,
	UnsafeBehaviorAtOutOfUnsafeScope: `unsafe behavior outside of unsafe scope`,
	RefMethodUsedWithNotRefInstance: `reference method cannot be used with a non-reference instance`,
	MethodAsAnonFunc: `non-static methods cannot be anonymized`,
	BindedFuncAsAnonFunc: `binded functions cannot be anonymized`,
	GenericedFuncAsAnonFunc: `genericed functions cannot be anonymized`,
	IllegalCycleRefersItself: `illegal cycle in declaration: @ refers to itself`,
	IllegalCrossCycle: "illegal cross cycle in declaration:\n@",
	AssignToNonMut: `cannot assign to immutable storage`,
	AssignNonMutToMut: `immutable data cannot be assigned to mutable storage because of @ type, which is mutable`,
	RetWithMutTypedNonMut: `mutable return expressions should be mutable`,
	MutOperationOnImmut: `mutable operations cannot be used with immutable data`,
	TraitHasRefParamFunc: `trait uses a reference receiver parameter method, cannot assign non-reference instance`,
	EnumHaveNotField: `enum @ has no field: @`,
	DuplicateMatchType: `type @ is already matched`,
	BindedVarHasExpr: `binded variables cannot have expressions`,
	BindedVarIsConst: `binded variables cannot be constant`,
	ConstVarNotHaveExpr: `missing expression for constant variable initialization`,
	MissingExprForUnary: `missing expression for unary operator`,
	InvalidOpForUnary: `invalid unary operator: @`,
	UseDeclAtBody: `use declarations must be at the top of source code`,
	ArrayAutoSized: `arrays must have explicit size`,
	NamespaceNotExist: `undefined namespace: @`,
	ImplInvalidBase: `invalid base type for impl: @`,
	ImplInvalidDest: `invalid destination type for impl: @`,
	StructAlreadyHaveIdent: `struct @ already has @ defined`,
	UnsafePtrIndexing: `unsafe pointers do not support indexing`,
	MethodHasGenericWithSameIdent: `methods cannot have the same generic identifier as owner`,
	TupleAssignToSingle: `tuples cannot assign to single define in the same time`,
	MissingCompilePath: `missing path`,
	ArraySizeIsNotInt: `array size must be integer`,
	ArraySizeIsNeg: `array size must be positive`,
	BuiltinAsNonFunc: `built-in define cannot be anonymized`,
	TypeCaseHasNotValidExpr: `type-match must have <any>, <type enum>, <trait> or <generic> typed expression`,
	IllegalImplOutOfPackage: `illegal implementation via definition from out of package`,
	MethodNotInvoked: `method should be invoked`,
	BuiltinNotInvoked: `built-in functions should be invoked`,
	DuplicatedUseSelection: `@ is already selected`,
	IdentIsNotAccessible: `@ is private and could not be accessed`,
	InvalidStmtForNext: `invalid statement for while-next`,
	ModuloWithNotInt: `module operator must be used with integer type`,
	PkgIllegalCycleRefersItself: `@ cannot refer to itself`,
	PkgIllegalCrossCycle: "illegal cross cycle in use declarations:\n@",
	RefersTo: `@ refers to @`,
	NoFileInEntryPackage: `there is no Jule source code in package: @`,
	NoMemberInEnum: `enum @ has no fields`,
	InternalTypeNotSupportsClone: `type @ has internal types that don't support cloning`,
	InvalidExprForBinary: `invalid expression for binary operation`,
	TraitMethodHasGenerics: `trait methods cannot have generics`,
	EnumAsMapVal: `maps do not support enums as map key type`,
	GlobalNotStatic: `global variables must be static`,
	StaticNotHaveExpr: `static variables must have an initialize expression`,
	StaticFuncHasReceiver: `static functions cannot have a receiver parameter`,
	RefAssignNonVar: `references requires variable based expression for assignment`,
	MutRefPointsImmut: `mutable reference cannot point to immutable data`,
	RefNotInited: `reference variables have lvalue as an initialize expression`,
	ConstRef: `references cannot be constant`,
	ConcurrentCallWithRefParam: `concurrent calls with functions with reference parameter(s) are not allowed in safe Jule`,
	ConcurrentCallWithSelfParam: `concurrent calls with methods having a "self" receiver parameter are not allowed in safe Jule`,
	UsedRefInAnonFuncFromParentScope: `anonymous functions cannot access reference definition @ of parent scope`,
	TypeEnumAssertedFromAny: `type enum cannot be asserted from any type`,
	DuplicatedUseAlias: `@ is already being used`,
	BuiltinUsedForRef: `built-in defines cannot pass to references`,
	DefaultNotLast: `default case cannot be the last case`,
	IncompatibleTypeForPtrArithmetic: `type @ is incompatible with pointer arithmetic`,
	ComptimePanic: `compile-time panic: @`,
	InvalidTypeForIndexing: `type @ is invalid for indexing`,
	UnusedDirective: `directive is out of scope`,
	UnsupportedDirective: `define does not support @ directive`,
	PanickedWithNonStr: `panic message must be a string`,
	ErrorWithNonExceptional: `error outside of exceptional scope`,
	BindedExceptional: `binded defines cannot be exceptional`,
	HandledUnexceptional: `non-exceptionals cannot be handled like exceptionals`,
	UnhandledExceptional: `exceptionals must be handled`,
	MissingAssignRet: `exceptional returns an expression, therefore else block should return an expression`,
	CoForExceptional: `concurrent calls do not support exceptionals`,
	TypeCallWithExceptional: `type-cast calls do not support exceptionals`,
	RetInDeferred: `deferred scopes do not support return statements`,
	ErrorInDeferred: `deferred scopes do not support error calls`,
	NilError: `function cannot be called with nil`,
	UseExprOutOfScope: `use expressions cannot be used out of non-void exceptional handler scopes`,
	UseExprInDeferred: `use expressions cannot be used in deferred scopes`,
	UseExprNotLast: `use expression must be the last statement in a scope`,
	InvalidMainFunction: `main function declaration is invalid`,
	InvalidInitializerFunction: `initializer function declaration is invalid`,
	AutoSizedArrFilled: `auto-sized arrays cannot filled`,
	AssignInExpr: `assignments not available for expressions`,
	WrongTestFuncDecl: `wrong test function declaration`,
	TestMethod: `test methods cannot be declared`,
	TestCalled: `test functions cannot be called`,
	ModuleNotFound: `module file not found`,
	UseDeclForInternal: `internal packages cannot be accessed`,
	PubTestFunc: `test functions cannot be public`,
	BindedTypeNotAllowed: `binded definitions are not allowed in this scope`,
	GenericsNotAllowed: `generics are not allowed in this scope`,
	InitiationCycle: `initiation cycle caused by a type declaration`,
	DeclFoundInsteadExpr: `expected expression, found type declaration`,
	CallingNonFunc: `attempted to call a non-function`,
	StructureLitWithPrivFields: `structure cannot be instantiated because it has both public and private fields`,
	AnyWithTypeEnum: `<any> type is not allowed for type-enum declarations`,
	ConstraintFailed: "type @ doesn't match @'s constraint: @",
	SelectedImportExistInPackage: `@ already exists in this package`,
	CoForCastingCall: `concurrent calls are not allowed for type-cast calls`,
	TypeIsNotComparable: `type @ is not comparable`,
	AmperOpForEnum: `@ enum type does not support @ operator`,
	MissingArgs: `missing arguments to call @`,
	InheritedNonTrait: `trait @ cannot implement @, type should be trait`,
	IncompatibleInherit: "trait @ inherits trait @, but the same identifiers are implemented different:\n       @\n       @",
	ArraySizeOverflow: "array size @ overflows the kernel-defined limit of @",
	InvalidTypeForTypeOf: "comptime::TypeOf does not support type @",
	ComptimeAsExpr: "compile-time evaluations cannot be used as expressions",
	InvalidTypeForFunc: `type @ is invalid for function @`,
	ComptimeFallthrough: `fall statement is not allowed for comptime-matching`,
	SelectFallthrough: `fall statement is not allowed for select`,
	CannotBeMut: `define @ cannot be mutable`,
	AnonFunc: `anonymous functions are not allowed in this scope`,
	CopyWithMutableData: `struct @ contains mutable data and cannot be copied`,
	CalledOutOfScope: `function @ called out of scope`,
	ComptimeExprForRuntimeIteration: `comptime expressions cannot be iterated at runtime`,
	InvalidTypeForComptimeIter: `type @ does not support comptime iterations`,
	InvalidComptimeIter: `comptime iterations can only be range iterations`,
	InvalidComptimeTypeMatchExpr: `comptime type-match expressions can only take type declarations`,
	NotEnoughVariablesForRet: "not enough variables to return\n       @ required\n       @ provided",
	TooManyVariablesForRet: "too many variables to return\n       @ required\n       @ provided",
	ExportedUsedAsAnonymous: `define @ is exported for backend and cannot be anonymized`,
	InvalidImportPath: `invalid import path: @`,
	AutoAliasFail: `import path not suitable for auto-aliasing: @`,
	BindedAsSoftType: `binded type aliases cannot be soft type aliases`,
	IndexOutOfRange: `index @ out of range of @`,
	ExprNotChan: `expression is not channel for operator`,
	ImmutDataSendViaMutChan: `mutable typed @ immutable data cannot be sent via a mutable channel`,
	CloseRecvOnlyChan: `receive-only channel cannot be closed`,
	SendToRecvOnlyChan: `data cannot be sent to a receive-only channel`,
	RecvFromSendOnlyChan: `data cannot be received from a send-only channel`,
	InvalidSelectExpr: `select case expects chan-receive or chan-send expressions`,
	ExpectedNExpr: `expected @ expression`,
	IterPermitsNVar: `iteration for type @ allows only @ iteration variable`,
	UnsafePointerForAnnotation: `unsafe pointer cannot used for dynamic type annotation`,
	MiddleIndexRequired: `middle index required in 3-index slicing`,
	FinalIndexRequired: `final index required in 3-index slicing`,
	UnsupportedTypeIndex3Slice: `unsupported type for 3-index slicing: @`,
	ReuseDirective: `directive @ is already used`,
	ConstantOverflow: `constant overflow`,
	ConstantOverflowResult: `computation result is constant overflow`,
	UntypedNumericForPhysical: `cannot use untyped value @ for the actual program, it is too large for any integer type`,
	ConstantOverflowType: `untyped value @ overflows @`,
	InvalidEnumKindForNamedFields: `enum kind does not supports named enum fields`,
	TypeNotSupportsTypeAssertionTo: `type @ not supports type assertion to type @`,
	TypeNotSupportsTypeAssertion: `type @ not supports type assertion`,

	// Suggestions.
	ExpectedIdentifier: `create an identifier because identifier expected`,
	ExpectedLabelIdent: `create a label identifier because label expected`,
	ExpectedDotForBind: `use dot (.) to access binded defines`,
	ExpectedDblColon: `expected double colon (::)`,
	EmptyParentNotValid: `empty parentheses are not a valid expression, must include an expression in range`,
	GiveExprToCast: `provide an expression for casting`,
	GiveTypeForCast: `type declaration expected for casting`,
	ExpectedExpr: `expression expected`,
	ExpectedAnonFunc: `anonymous function expected, remove the identifier`,
	ExpectedLeftOperand: `left operand expected for binary operator`,
	ExpectedRightOperand: `right operand expected for binary operator`,
	ExpectedColon: `expected colon (:)`,
	ExpectedBody: `expected a body, bodies should start in the same line as their definition and declared with braces ({ ... })`,
	ExpectedType: `expected type declaration`,
	ExpectedPlainUseDecl: `expected plain use declaration for this package (e.g. @)`,
	DeclareComptimeForeach: `declarate comptime iteration (e.g. const for ...)`,
	MoveUseDeclToTopOfFile: `move this use declaration to the top of the file`,
	RenameForAvoidDuplication: `rename the definition to avoid duplication`,
	RemoveUseDeclAvoidDuplication: `remove this use declaration, it is already being used`,
	RenameUseAliasAvoidDuplication: `rename alias for this use declaration to avoid duplication`,
	RemoveUseSelectionAvoidDuplication: `remove this use selection, it is already selected`,
	RemoveConstToAssign: `remove constant qualifier if you need to assign`,
	UseStaticKeywordToDef: `use the "static" keyword to define`,
	RemoveFallthroughFromFinalCase: `remove the "fall" keyword`,
	MakePubToAccess: `make it public by starting with a capital letter`,
	ExpressionMustBeReferenceType: `expression must be reference type`,
	TryFloatingPoint: `floating-point literals may solve your problem`,
	ExpectedColonForAssign: `expected colon (:) for assignment`,
	DeclareExceptional: `declare an exceptional function with the "!" operator`,
	HandleExceptional: `use the "!" operator after an calling exceptional to handle it automatically`,
	HandleInFunc: `handle this exceptional in a separate function or anonymous function`,
	JustIgnoreOrHandle: `ignore this exceptional or handle it but you cannot do both at same time`,
	UseImperative: `use clear imperative approach, comes relevant assignment statement before the expression`,
	UseExpectedTestFuncDecl: `use the expected test function declaration: fn(t: &testing::T)`,
	UseModInit: `run "julec mod init" to initialize a module in the current directory`,
	RemovePubModifier: `don't use an identifier that starts with a capital letter to avoid making it public`,
	ExpectedStruct: `use a structure`,
	ExpectedTrait: `use a trait`,
	UseTypeMatch: `you can use type-match if you want to match types`,
	WrapExceptional: `wrap this exceptional in a non-exceptional function`,
	UseFieldPairToInstantiate: `use label-expression pairs to instantiate (e.g. Struct{x:foo, y:bar})`,
	InstantiateGenericFuncToUseAsAnon: `instantiate generic function to use as anonymous function`,
	UseUnsafeJuleToCallCo: `use unsafe Jule with "unsafe { ... }" to make concurrent calls`,
	UseUnsafeJuleToCallCoSelf: `use "&self" receiver parameter instead, or unsafe Jule with "unsafe { ... }" to make concurrent calls`,
	DefineZeroDefaultToUseAmper: `define default enum field (the first one is default) with zero value to use "&"`,
	InvalidExprForConstMatch: `comptime-matching requires constant expression`,
	GiveAnAliasManually: `alias the import manually (e.g. use <alias> @)`,
	WriteYourCodeInUnsafeJule: `use unsafe Jule with "unsafe { ... }"`,
	CastingBindedTypesRequiresUnsafeJule: `casting binded types requires using unsafe Jule, "unsafe { ... }"`,
	DefineAsStrictAlias: `define as strict type alias with a colon (:) (e.g. type @: <type>)`,
	RArrowOpExpectsChan: `the "<-" operator expects a channel`,
	ExpectedMainLike: `declare main function like: fn main() {}`,
	ExpectedInitializerLike: `declare initializer function like: fn init() {}`,

Compiler log messages with formatting.


enum LogKind {
	Flat,  // Just text.
	Error, // Error message.

Log kinds.


enum Directive: str {
	Cdef: "cdef",
	Typedef: "typedef",
	Pass: "pass",
	Build: "build",
	Namespace: "namespace",
	Test: "test",
	Export: "export",

Compiler directives.


enum DistOS: str {
	Windows: "windows",
	Linux: "linux",
	Darwin: "darwin",
	Unix: "unix",

Operating Systems for file annotation kind.


enum DistArch: str {
	I386: "i386",
	Arm64: "arm64",
	Amd64: "amd64",
	X32: "x32",
	X64: "x64",

Architectures for file annotation kind.