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Package std::bytes implements functions for the manipulation of byte slices. It is analogous to the facilities of the std::strings package. But optimized for byte slices, may provide more efficient functions. If you have byte slice form of strings, this package is the best option for most cases.


fn Equal(s1: []byte, s2: []byte): bool

Reports whether two byte slices are the same length and contains same bytes. The nil slice considered as zero-length empty slice.

fn Repeat(s: []byte, mut n: int): []byte

Returns bytes that equals to concatenation of n-count s. Returns nil slice is n <= 0.

fn HasPrefix(s: []byte, sub: []byte): bool

Reports slice has prefix as specified sub-slice or not.

fn HasSuffix(s: []byte, sub: []byte): bool

Reports slice has suffix as specified sub-slice or not.

fn FindAt(s: []byte, sub: []byte, mut i: int): int

Returns index of first matched item with specified sub-slice, returns -1 if not exist any match. Starts searching at left of slice to right. Starts searching s at given index. Returns -1, if i < 0 || i >= len(s).

fn Find(s: []byte, sub: []byte): int

Returns index of first matched item with specified sub-slice, returns -1 if not exist any match. Starts searching at left of slice to right.

fn FindLastAt(s: []byte, sub: []byte, i: int): int

Returns index of first matched item with specified sub-slice, returns -1 if not exist any match. Starts searching at right of slice to left. Starts searching s at given index. Returns -1, if i < 0 || i >= len(s).

fn FindLast(s: []byte, sub: []byte): int

Returns index of first matched item with specified sub-slice, returns -1 if not exist any match. Starts searching at right of slice to left.

fn FindByte(s: []byte, b: byte): int

Returns index of first matched item with specified byte, returns -1 if not exist any match. Starts searching at left of slice to right.

fn FindLastByte(s: []byte, b: byte): int

Returns index of first matched item with specified byte, returns -1 if not exist any match. Starts searching at right of slice to left.

fn FindRune(s: []byte, r: rune): int

Returns index of first matched item with specified rune, returns -1 if not exist any match. Starts searching at left of slice to right.

fn FindLastRune(s: []byte, r: rune): int

Returns index of first matched item with specified rune, returns -1 if not exist any match. Starts searching at right of slice to left.

fn FindFnAt(s: []byte, mut i: int, f: fn(mut rune): bool): int

Returns index of first matched item with finder function, returns -1 if not exist any match. Starts searching at left of slice to right. Starts searching s at given index. Returns -1, if i < 0.

fn FindFn(s: []byte, f: fn(mut rune): bool): int

Returns index of first matched item with finder function, returns -1 if not exist any match. Starts searching at left of slice to right.

fn FindFnLastAt(s: []byte, mut i: int, f: fn(mut rune): bool): int

Returns index of first matched item with finder function, returns -1 if not exist any match. Starts searching at right of slice to left. Starts searching s at given index. Returns -1, if i < 0 || i >= len(s).

fn FindFnLast(s: []byte, f: fn(mut rune): bool): int

Returns index of first matched item with finder function, returns -1 if not exist any match. Starts searching at right of slice to left.

fn FindAny(s: []byte, runes: []byte): int

Returns index of first matched item with any of runes, returns -1 if not exist any match. Starts searching at left of slice to right.

fn FindLastAny(s: []byte, runes: []byte): int

Returns index of first matched item with any of runes, returns -1 if not exist any match. Starts searching at right of slice to left.

fn Split(mut s: []byte, sub: []byte, mut n: int): [][]byte

Splits the slice into the specified number of parts to the specified sub-slice. Appends parts as immutable slice. Returns empty slice if n is equals to zero. Returns all parts if n less than zero.

fn Contains(s: []byte, sub: []byte): bool

Reports whether slice includes sub-slice.

fn ContainsByte(s: []byte, b: byte): bool

Reports whether slice includes byte.

fn ContainsRune(b: []byte, r: rune): bool

Reports whether slice includes rune.

fn ContainsAny(s: []byte, runes: []byte): bool

Reports whether slice includes any of runes.

fn Count(s: []byte, sub: []byte): int

Counts the number of non-overlapping instances of sub-slice in s. Returns zero if sub-slice is empty.

fn Replace(mut s: []byte, sub: []byte, new: []byte, mut n: int): []byte

Replaces all sub-slices matching sub in the slice with new. Returns same slice if n is equals to zero. Replaces all matches if n less than zero. This function may return mutable copy of s, of new slice allocation.

fn Map(s: []byte, mapping: fn(mut rune): rune): []byte

Returns a immutable copy of the slice s with all its characters modified according to the mapping function. If mapping returns a negative value, the character is dropped from the slice with no replacement.

fn ToLower(s: []byte): []byte

Returns s with all Unicode letters mapped to their lower case. Returns immutable new slice allocation.

fn ToUpper(s: []byte): []byte

Returns s with all Unicode letters mapped to their upper case. Returns immutable new slice allocation.

fn TrimLeft(mut s: []byte, cutset: []byte): []byte

Trims slice by specified runes at left. Cutset should include runes to trim. Returns mutable copy of s.

fn TrimRight(mut s: []byte, cutset: []byte): []byte

Trims slice by specified runes at right. Cutset should include runes to trim. Returns mutable copy of s.

fn Trim(mut s: []byte, cutset: []byte): []byte

Trims slice by specified runes at left and right. Cutset should include runes to trim. Returns mutable copy of s.

fn Join(parts: [][]byte, sep: []byte): []byte

Concatenates the parts of its first argument to create a single slice. The separator sep is placed between parts in the resulting slice.

fn Runes(s: []byte): []rune

Returns runes from UTF-8 encoded bytes.