fn Equal[S: []E, E: comparable](s1: S, s2: S): bool
fn Find[S: []E, E: comparable](s: S, e: E): int
fn FindLast[S: []E, E: comparable](s: S, e: E): int
fn Contains[S: []E, E: comparable](s: S, e: E): bool
fn Count[S: []E, E: comparable](s: S, e: E): (n: int)
fn Replace[S: []E, E: comparable](mut s: S, old: E, mut new: E): (n: int)
fn Reverse[S: []E, E](mut s: S)
fn Sort[S: []E, E: ordered](mut s: S)
fn IsSorted[S: []E, E: ordered](mut s: S): bool
fn SortFunc[S: []E, E](mut s: S, cmp: fn(a: E, b: E): int)
fn Insert[S: []E, E](mut s: S, i: int, mut v: ...E): S
fn Equal[S: []E, E: comparable](s1: S, s2: S): bool
Reports whether slices are the same length and contains same elements. The nil slices considered as zero-length slices. The floating-point NaNs are not considered equal.
fn Find[S: []E, E: comparable](s: S, e: E): int
Returns index of first matched element with specified element, returns -1 if not exist any match. Starts searching at left of slice to right.
fn FindLast[S: []E, E: comparable](s: S, e: E): int
Returns index of first matched element with specified element, returns -1 if not exist any match. Starts searching at right of slice to left.
fn Contains[S: []E, E: comparable](s: S, e: E): bool
Reports whether slice includes e.
fn Count[S: []E, E: comparable](s: S, e: E): (n: int)
Counts the number of matched elements with e in s.
fn Replace[S: []E, E: comparable](mut s: S, old: E, mut new: E): (n: int)
Replaces matched slice elements with old to new. Returns count of replacements.
fn Reverse[S: []E, E](mut s: S)
Reverses elements of the slice.
fn Sort[S: []E, E: ordered](mut s: S)
Sorts a slice of any ordered type in ascending order. When sorting floating-point numbers, NaNs are ordered before other values.
fn IsSorted[S: []E, E: ordered](mut s: S): bool
Reports whether x is sorted in ascending order.
fn SortFunc[S: []E, E](mut s: S, cmp: fn(a: E, b: E): int)
Sorts the slice s in ascending order as determined by the cmp function. This sort is not guaranteed to be stable. cmp(a, b) should return a negative number when a < b, a positive number when a > b and zero when a == b.
SortFunc requires that cmp is a strict weak ordering. See\_ordering#Strict\_weak\_orderings.
fn Insert[S: []E, E](mut s: S, i: int, mut v: ...E): S
Inserts the values v... into s at index i, returning the modified slice. The elements at s[i:] are shifted up to make room. In the returned slice r, r[i] == v[0], and, if i < len(s), r[i+len(v)] == value originally at r[i]. Insert panics if i > len(s). This function is O(len(s) + len(v)).