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#derive Clone
struct Int

Big arbitrary-precision signed integer. Always in the normalized format, leading-zeros are eliminated.


static fn Zero(): Int
Returns big integer that represents zero.

static fn One(): Int
Returns big integer that represents one.

static New[T](i: T): Int
Returns big integer that initialized by integer value. T can only be signed or unsigned integer types.

static fn Parse(s: str, fmt: int)!: Int
Parse big integer from string. Fmt is the format of string. Results with exceptional if bits are not in the format or empty. Results with exceptional if fmt is not valid. Exceptional is always BigError.Format.

Valid fmt values are;

  • 2 for binary.
  • 8 for octal.
  • 10 for decimal.
  • 16 for hexadecimal.

fn Len(self): int
Returns count of bits except sign-bit. Return value also means the minimum number of bits that can represent the integer.

fn Add(self, y: Int): Int
Adds two Int and returns result.

fn AddAssign(mut self, y: Int)
Adds Int.

fn Sub(self, y: Int): Int
Subtracts two Int and returns result.

fn SubAssign(mut self, y: Int)
Subtracts Int.

fn Mul(self, y: Int): Int
Multiplies two Int and returns result.

fn MulAssign(mut self, y: Int)
Multiplies Int.

fn Div(self, y: Int): Int
Divides two Int and returns result.

fn DivAssign(mut self, y: Int)
Divides Int.

fn Mod(self, y: Int): Int
Modulo two Int and returns result.

fn ModAssign(mut self, y: Int)
Modulo Int.

fn Shl(self, y: uint): Int
Bitwise left shift.

fn ShlAssign(mut self, y: uint)
Bitwise left shift for assignment.

fn Shr(self, y: uint): Int
Bitwise right shift.

fn ShrAssign(mut self, y: uint)
Bitwise right shift for assignment.

fn BitOr(self, y: Int): Int
Bitwise or.

fn BitOrAssign(mut self, y: Int)
Bitwise or for assignment.

fn BitAnd(self, y: Int): Int
Bitwise and.

fn BitAndAssign(mut self, y: Int)
Bitwise and for assignment.

fn BitXor(self, y: Int): Int
Bitwise xor.

fn BitXorAssign(mut self, y: Int)
Bitwise xor for assignment.

fn Cmp(self, y: Int): int
Compares bits.
Returns +1 if self > y.
Returns 0 if self == y.
Returns -1 if self < y.

fn Lt(self, y: Int): Int
Reports whether integer less than other.

fn LtEq(self, y: Int): bool
Reports whether integer less than or equals to other.

fn Gt(self, y: Int): Int
Reports whether integer greater than other.

fn GtEq(self, y: Int): bool
Reports whether integer greater than or equals to other.

fn Eq(self, y: Int): Int
Reports whether integers are equals.

fn BitNot(self): Int
Bitwise not.

fn Sign(self): int
Returns +1 if integer is positive or zero, -1 otherwise.

fn Neg(self): Int
Unary minus.

fn Pos(self): Int
Unary plus.

fn Odd(self): bool
Reports whether number is odd.

fn Even(self): bool
Reports whether number is even.

fn Bit(self, i: int): int
Returns bit by index.
The index zero means first bit at right.

fn Bits(self): []byte
Returns immutable copy of internal little-endian bits.

fn Abs(self): Int
Returns absolute value of integer.

fn TrailingZeros(self): int
Returns count of absolute's trailing zeros.

fn Format(fmt: int)!: str
Format number into string. Fmt is the format of number. Results with exceptional if fmt is not valid. Exceptional is always BigError.Format.

Valid fmt values are;

  • 2 for binary.
  • 8 for octal.
  • 10 for decimal.
  • 16 for hexadecimal.

fn ToI64(self)!: i64
Returns integer in i64. Causes exception if nuber large than capacity of i64. Exception is equals to i64.Min constant if integer is negative, else i64.Max.

fn ToU64(self)!: u64
Returns integer in u64. Causes exception if nuber large than capacity of u64. Exception is always equals to u64.Max constant.

fn ToStr(self): str
Formats number with self.format(10) by default.


enum BigError

Error codes for big number algorithms.


  • Format: Format error.