fn FullRune(p: []byte): bool
fn FullRuneStr(s: str): bool
fn DecodeRune(p: []byte): (r: rune, size: int)
fn DecodeRuneStr(s: str): (r: rune, size: int)
fn DecodeLastRune(p: []byte): (r: rune, size: int)
fn DecodeLastRuneStr(s: str): (r: rune, size: int)
fn RuneLen(r: rune): int
fn EncodeRune(mut p: []byte, mut r: rune): int
fn AppendRune(mut p: []byte, r: rune): []byte
fn RuneCount(p: []byte): (n: int)
fn RuneCountStr(s: str): (n: int)
fn RuneStart(b: byte): bool
fn Valid(p: []byte): bool
fn ValidStr(mut s: str): bool
fn ValidRune(r: rune): bool
const RuneError = '\uFFFD' // The "error" rune or "Unicode replacement character"
const RuneSelf = 0x80 // Characters below RuneSelf are represented as themselves in a single byte.
const MaxRune = '\U0010FFFF' // Maximum valid Unicode code point.
const UTFMax = 4 // Maximum number of bytes of a UTF-8 encoded Unicode character.
Numbers fundamental to the encoding.
fn FullRune(p: []byte): bool
Reports whether the bytes in p begin with a full UTF-8 encoding of a rune. An invalid encoding is considered a full Rune since it will convert as a width-1 error rune.
fn FullRuneStr(s: str): bool
Like FullRune but its input is a string.
fn DecodeRune(p: []byte): (r: rune, size: int)
Unpacks the first UTF-8 encoding in p and returns the rune and its width in bytes. If p is empty it returns (RuneError, 0). Otherwise, if the encoding is invalid, it returns (RuneError, 1). Both are impossible results for correct, non-empty UTF-8.
An encoding is invalid if it is incorrect UTF-8, encodes a rune that is out of range, or is not the shortest possible UTF-8 encoding for the value. No other validation is performed.
fn DecodeRuneStr(s: str): (r: rune, size: int)
Like DecodeRune but its input is a string. If s is empty it returns (RuneError, 0). Otherwise, if the encoding is invalid, it returns (RuneError, 1). Both are impossible results for correct, non-empty UTF-8.
An encoding is invalid if it is incorrect UTF-8, encodes a rune that is out of range, or is not the shortest possible UTF-8 encoding for the value. No other validation is performed.
fn DecodeLastRune(p: []byte): (r: rune, size: int)
Unpacks the last UTF-8 encoding in p and returns the rune and its width in bytes. If p is empty it returns (RuneError, 0). Otherwise, if the encoding is invalid, it returns (RuneError, 1). Both are impossible results for correct, non-empty UTF-8.
An encoding is invalid if it is incorrect UTF-8, encodes a rune that is out of range, or is not the shortest possible UTF-8 encoding for the value. No other validation is performed.
fn DecodeLastRuneStr(s: str): (r: rune, size: int)
Like DecodeLastRune but its input is a string. If s is empty it returns (RuneError, 0). Otherwise, if the encoding is invalid, it returns (RuneError, 1). Both are impossible results for correct, non-empty UTF-8.
An encoding is invalid if it is incorrect UTF-8, encodes a rune that is out of range, or is not the shortest possible UTF-8 encoding for the value. No other validation is performed.
fn RuneLen(r: rune): int
Returns the number of bytes required to encode the rune. It returns -1 if the rune is not a valid value to encode in UTF-8.
fn EncodeRune(mut p: []byte, mut r: rune): int
Writes into p (which must be large enough) the UTF-8 encoding of the rune. If the rune is out of range, it writes the encoding of RuneError. It returns the number of bytes written.
fn AppendRune(mut p: []byte, r: rune): []byte
Appends the UTF-8 encoding of r to the end of p and returns the extended buffer. If the rune is out of range, it appends the encoding of RuneError.
fn RuneCount(p: []byte): (n: int)
Returns the number of runes in p. Erroneous and short encodings are treated as single runes of width 1 byte.
fn RuneCountStr(s: str): (n: int)
Like RuneCount but its input is a string.
fn RuneStart(b: byte): bool
Reports whether the byte could be the first byte of an encoded, possibly invalid rune. Second and subsequent bytes always have the top two bits set to 10.
fn Valid(p: []byte): bool
Reports whether p consists entirely of valid UTF-8-encoded runes.
fn ValidStr(mut s: str): bool
Reports whether s consists entirely of valid UTF-8-encoded runes.
fn ValidRune(r: rune): bool
Reports whether r can be legally encoded as UTF-8. Code points that are out of range or a surrogate half are illegal.