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Manual Compilation

JuleC is written in Jule!


These example assume you are in the root directory of the JuleC. This example also accepts you already have JuleC in global path.

julec -o ./bin/julec ./src/julec

Compile Tips

There are a few recommendations for getting the best JuleC build for manual compilation and Jule developers. Considering these recommendations can help the JuleC build you use during development to offer the best performance.

C++ Standard

Instead of the default standard, it would be better for you to use c++17. JuleC is dependent on several headers from c++17. Even if you can compile with c++14, compiling with c++17 can provide a smoother experience for you.


Pass --std=c++17 flag for compile with C++17, if you are using Clang, GCC or something like this.

Optimization Level

Jule compiles at zero optimization (O0) level by default. But this is not recommended if you are compiling for use. Zero optimization level will produce the dumbest code possible and you can suffer serious performance losses. It is recommended to compile JuleC's C++ IR with O3 or Ofast to get the fastest and most performing JuleC compilation.

Notice about Ofast Optimization Level

The Ofast optimization is quite an aggressive level and can break language standards. For example, it has been observed that a JuleC build with Ofast produces different numbers than expected due to probably math optimizations.

Therefore, we recommend using O3 as the highest optimization level to get a more reliable build.